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Office of Disabilities Services

Laura KurtzLaura H. Kurtz, Director
William C. Jason Library, 2nd Floor, Room 214
(302) 857-6385 (phone) / (302) 857-6386 (fax)


It is the policy of Delaware State University to provide accessible programs, services, activities, and reasonable accommodations for any student with a documented disability as defined by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.  The Office of Disabilities Services (ODS) staff work to ensure that students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to pursue an education.

University faculty and staff make a conscious effort not to discriminate in the recruitment, admission, or treatment of students with disabilities.  Therefore, students are not enrolled in separate programs or courses, but are mainstreamed into the existing college structure.  Classrooms and selected residence halls are accessible to mobility impaired students.  Services are provided to help students make the best possible use of the University’s comprehensive academic resources.

The Office of Disabilities Services is part of the Division of Academic Enrichment and is committed to helping each student pursue a chosen field of study to the full measure of his or her ability.  Students with disabilities are encouraged to become active participants in the University community and to develop a sense of independence that will help them gain the leading edge when entering the job market.

Students with disabilities are admitted through the same application process as students without disabilities. There are no separate admissions standards or procedures.  Admissions counselors are available to answer any questions.

Students with disabilities must submit recent, appropriate documentation to the Director of Disabilities Services before requesting accommodations. Documentation with supporting recommendations from a physician, clinical /school psychologist, Individualized Educational Plan (I.E.P.), or 504 Plan is required. However, students without documentation who suspect they may have a learning disability may request a screening from the Director. If deemed appropriate, the Director will refer students to an outside agency for further in depth psycho-educational and/or psychological testing. Fees associated with the testing are expected to be paid by the student.

The Director of Disabilities Services serves as a campus resource and an advocate for students with disabilities.  It is necessary for the student to schedule an appointment with the Director at the beginning of each class to design a support service program that fits that particular class and the individual’s needs.


  • Student requests services.
  • Student submits recent documentation of disability and completes Self-Identification Form.
  • Director reviews documentation and recommendations to determine reasonable accommodations.
  • Student’s schedule and appropriate accommodations for each class are discussed with the student. (This is done during the first two weeks of each semester for undergraduate students or the first week of each class for graduate students.)
  • Reasonable Accommodations Forms are completed for each class.
  • Student takes forms and discusses his or her particular needs with each instructor.
  • A Plan of Action is developed and put in writing with each instructor. Instructors may follow-up with questions to the Director.
  • Student maintains contact with the Director and remains actively involved in the accommodation process throughout the semester.
  • Director monitors each student’s progress during the semester.

The ADA does not require colleges or universities to lower academic standards or fundamentally alter the nature of the programs provided.  Students with documented disabilities must meet all requirements for graduation.  A reasonable accommodation is a modification or adjustment to a course, program, service, activity, or facility that enables qualified students with disabilities to have equal opportunities to attain the same levels of performance or enjoy equal benefits and privileges as are available to similarly situated students without disabilities.  Reasonable accommodations and services may include, but are not limited to:

  • Academic advising and counseling which focus upon development of individualized learning strategies
  • Reading, writing, and note taking services
  • Time management and organizational skills training
  • Use of specialized equipment
  • Removal of any structural barriers
  • Arrangements for testing accommodations
  • Tutorial services
  • Interpreters for the deaf
  • Referrals to community agencies (Social Services, Vocational Rehabilitation, etc.