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The Delaware State University
Alumni Association

The Delaware State University Alumni Association (DSUAA) is an organization of DSU graduates and former students. The DSUAA exists to support Delaware State in its growth and quest for excellence. To this end, The DSUAA unites with the university through common interests, concerns and goals.

Membership in the DSUAA can serve as a means toward development and maintenance of  lasting relationships with the university and its components.  Membership is available to all graduates and former DSU students who attended for one year or more.  Active DSUAA membership is achieved by paying annual dues, ranging from $50.00 to $1000.00 for General to Life Memberships.

Payment of dues to the DSUAA provides the funds for the organization to carry out its goals and objectives; specifically for its operations and initiatives relative to the support of university programs and the achievement of university mission goals.

Active members in the Alumni Association may, from time to time, receive flyers and brochures announcing various DSUAA activities and events; however, DSUAA membership is not a prerequisite for receiving information from the university about general programs and events sponsored by the university. 

As a member of the association, alumni can also take advantage of these great benefits:

  • Voting privileges in the DSU Alumni Association.
  • 10% discount at the DSU Bookstore.
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Discounts on Auto, Home, Condo and Renters Insurance
  • Special Rates on the Bank of America Affinity Credit Card

For more information,
please contact the Office of Alumni Affairs at
(302) 857-6050 or
email alumni@desu.edu