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SCSRPC Coordinator
Thomas H. Terrill
Fort Valley State Univ, GA

SCSRPC Participants
Gareth F. Bath

South Africa
Joan M. Burke

USDA, ARS, Booneville, AR
Linda Coffey
NCAT, ATTRA, Fayetteville, AR
Will R. Getz
Fort Valley State Univ, GA
Margo Hale
NCAT, ATTRA, Fayetteville, AR
Steve Hart
Langston Univ, OK
Sue Howell
University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Dahlia Jackson
Delaware State Univ., CARS
Ray M. Kaplan
Univ of Georgia
Jean-Marie Luginbuhl
North Carolina State Univ
James E. Miller
Louisiana State Univ
Byeng R. Min
Texas A&M Univ
Seyedmehdi Mobini
Fort Valley State Univ, GA
Jorge Mosjidis
Auburn Univ, AL
Jim Muir

Texas A&M
Bob Storey
Univ of Georgia
Thomas H. Terrill

Fort Valley State Univ, GA
Elide Valencia

Univ of Puerto Rico
Jan A. Van Wyk
South Africa
Adriano Vatta
Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute -South Africa
Stuart Weiss
Univ of Virgin Islands
Niki Whitley
North Carolina A&T State Univ
Stephan Wildeus
Virginia State Univ
Lisa H. Williamson
Univ of Georgia
Anne Zajac

Virginia Tech


Contact Us


Website questions or comments?  Contact admin@scsrpc.org.

Thomas H. Terrill (tterrill@scsrpc.org)                                                                   


Research Professional


Fort Valley State University


Agricultural Research Station
1005 State University Drive
Fort Valley, GA 31030


BS (Agronomy), The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, 1980
MS (Agronomy), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, 1985
PhD (Forage Agronomy), The University of Georgia, Athens, 1989

Dr. Thomas H. Terrill has been a Research Professional at Fort Valley State University (FVSU) since 1992.  He is author and/or coauthor of over 25 refereed journal articles, numerous proceedings papers and abstracts and 1 book chapter.  He is the coordinator for the Southern Consortium on Small Ruminant Parasite Control and a research collaborator with a number of national and international institutions/agencies, including the University of Georgia (Athens, GA), Auburn University (Auburn, AL), Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, LA), The University of Florida (Gainesville, FL), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Blacksburg, VA), Tuskegee University (Tuskegee, AL), Utah State University (Logan, Utah), Texas A & M University (Stephenville, TX), USDA-ARS (Brooksville, FL; Booneville, AR; Tifton, GA), The University of Puerto Rico (Mayaguez, PR), University of the Virgin Islands (St. Croix, USVI), The Danish Centre for Experimental Parasitology (Copenhagen, Denmark), Onderstpoort Veterinary Institute (Onderstepoort, South Africa), Alemaya University (Alemaya, Ethiopia),and Debub University (Awassa, Ethiopia).  Dr. Terrill is a member of several professional organizations and is currently serving as an Associate Editor for Agronomy Journal and as Editor of the American Forage and Grassland Council monthly publication Forage Progress.  He is the FVSU technical representative for the USDA Western Regional Project W-102, “Integrated methods of parasite control for improved livestock nutrition”.  His teaching assignments include graduate courses in the Animal Science Master’s program at FVSU.

Research Interests

Dr. Terrill is Principal Investigator for a number of grants supporting research in alternative forages for goats and epidemiology and control of small ruminant nematode parasites.  His research is focused on development of year-round goat grazing systems, epidemiology and anthelmintic resistance of gastrointestinal nematodes, and use of novel, non-chemical parasitic nematode control methods, including nematode-trapping fungi, copper oxide wire particles, and condensed tannin (CT)-containing forages.  His particular area of expertise is CT analysis methodology and evaluation of CT-containing forages in ruminant diets

Selected Recent Publications

Terrill, T.H., J.A. Mosjidis, D.A. Moore, S.A. Shaik, J.E. Miller, J.M. Burke, J.P. Muir, and R.Wolfe.  2007. Effect of pelleting on efficacy of sericea lespedeza hay as a natural dewormer in goats. Vet. Parasitol. 146:117-122.

Kaplan, R.M., A.N. Vidyashankar, S.B. Howell, J.M. Neiss, L.H. Williamson, and Terrill, T.H. 2007. A novel approach for combining the use of in vitro and in vivo data to measure and detect emerging moxidectin resistance in gastrointestinal nematodes of goats.  Int. J. Parasitol. 37:795-804.

G. Kannan, K. E. Saker, T. H. Terrill, B. Kouakou, S. Galipalli, and S. Gelaye, 2007.  Effect of seaweed extract supplementation in goats exposed to simulated preslaughter stress.  Small Rumin. Res. (In press).

G. Kannan, T. H. Terrill, B. Kouakou, and S. Galipalli, 2007.  Blood metabolite changes and live weight loss following brown seaweed extract supplementation in goats subjected to stress. Small Rumin. Res. (In press).

Burke, J.M, T. H. Terrill, R.R. Kallu, J. E. Miller, and J. Mosjidis. 2007. Use of copper oxide wire particles to control gastrointestinal nematodes in goats. J. Anim. Sci. (In press).

Burke, J.M., R.M. Kaplan, J.E. Miller, T. H. Terrill, W.R. Getz, S. Mobini, E. Valencia, M.J. Williams, L.H. Williamson, and A.F. Vatta. 2007. Accuracy of the FAMACHA system for on-farm use by sheep and goat producers in the southeastern United States. Vet. Parasitol. 147:89-95.

Wolfe. R.M., T. H. Terrill, and J.P. Muir. 2007. Season and drying method effects on condensed tannin levels in perennial herbaceous legumes. J. Sci. Food Agric. (In Review).

Sainju, U.M., T. H. Terrill, S. Gelaye, and B.P. Singh. 2006. Soil carbon and nitrogen pools under long-term productivity of rhizoma peanut and perennial weeds management systems. Archives Agron. Soil Sci. 52:45-59.

Shaik, S.A., T. H. Terrill, J.E. Miller, B. Kouakou, G. Kannan, R. M. Kaplan, J.M. Burke, and J. Mosjidis. 2006. Sericea lespedeza hay as a natural deworming agent against gastrointestinal nematode infection in goats. Vet. Parasitol. 139:150-157.

Lange, K.C., Olcott, D.D., Miller, J.E., Mosjidis, J.A., Terrill, T.H., Burke, J.M., Kearney, M.T., 2006. Effect of sericea lespedeza, fed as hay, on natural and experimental Haemonchus contortus infections in lambs. Vet Parasitol 141, 273-278.

Becholie, D., B. Tamir, T. H. Terrill, B.P. Singh, and H. Kassa. 2005. Suitability of tagasaste (Chamaecytisus palmensis L.) as a source of protein supplement to a tropical grass hay fed to lambs. Small Ruminant Research 56:55-64.

Burke JM, Miller JE, Larsen M, Terrill, T.H.  2005. Interaction between copper oxide wire particles and Duddingtonia flagrans in lambs.  Veterinary Parasitology  134:141-146.

Terrill, T.H., M. Larsen, O. Samples, S. Husted, J.E. Miller, and S. Gelaye. 2004. Capability of the nematode-trapping fungus Duddingtonia flagrans to reduce infective larvae of Haemonchus contortus in goat feces in the southeastern United States: Dose titration and dose timing interval studies. Vet. Parasitol. 120: 285-296.

Burke, J.M., J.E. Miller, D.D. Olcott, B.M.Olcott, and T. H. Terrill. 2004. Effect of copper oxide wire particles dosage and feed supplement level on Haemonchus contortus infection in lambs. Veterinary Parasitology 123:235-243.

Shaik, S.A., T. H. Terrill, J.E. Miller, B. Kouakou, G. Kannan, R.K. Kallu, and J.A. Mosjidis. 2004. Effects of feeding sericea lespedeza hay to goats infected with Haemonchus contortus. South African Journal of Animal Science 34 (1):248-250.

Terrill, T.H., W.F. Whitehead, G. Durham, C.S. Hoveland, B.P. Singh, and S. Gelaye. 2004. Preference of grazing goats for cool-season annual clovers. South African Journal of Animal Science 34 (1):92-94.

Galipalli, S., K.M. Gadiyaram, B. Kouakou, T. H. Terrill, and G. Kannan. 2004. Physiological responses to preslaughter transportation stress in Tasco-supplemented Boer goats. South African Journal of Animal Science 34 (1):137-139.

Sainju, U.M. T. H. Terrill, S. Gelaye, and B.P. Singh. 2003. Soil aggregation and carbon and nitrogen pools under rhizoma peanut and perennial weeds. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67:146-155.

Terrill, T.H., S. Gelaye, S. Mahotiere, E.A. Amoah, S. Miller, and W.R. Windham. 2003. Effect of cutting date and frequency on yield and quality of kudzu in the southern United States. Grass For. Sci. 58:178-183.

Mortensen L.L., L.H. Williamson, T. H. Terrill, R.A. Kircher, M. Larsen, and R.M. Kaplan. 2003. Evaluation of prevalence and clinical implications of anthelmintic resistance in gastrointestinal nematodes in goats. JAVMA 223: 495-500.

Kannan, G., B. Kouakou, T. H. Terrill, and S. Gelaye. 2003. Endocrine, blood metabolite, and meat quality changes in goats as influenced by short-term, preslaughter stress. J. Anim. Sci. 81:1499-1507.

Kannan, G., T. H. Terrill, B. Kouakou, S. Gelaye, and E.A. Amoah. 2002. Simulated preslaughter holding and isolation effects on stress responses and live weight shrinkage in meat goats. J. Anim. Sci. 80:1771-1780.

Terrill, T.H., R.M. Kaplan, M. Larsen, O.M. Samples, J.E. Miller, and S. Gelaye. 2001. Anthelmintic resistance on goat farms in Georgia: efficacy of anthelmintics against gastrointestinal nematodes in two selected goat herds. Vet. Parasitol. 97: 261-268.

Kannan, G., T. H. Terrill, B. Kouakou, S. Gelaye, E.A. Amoah, and S. Samake. 2000. Transportation of goats: Effect on physiological stress responses and live weight loss. J. Anim. Sci. 78:1450-1457.

Becholie, D., B. Tamir, T. H. Terrill, B.P. Singh, and H. Kassa. 2005. Suitability of tagasaste (Chamaecytisus palmensis L.) as a source of protein supplement to a tropical grass hay fed to lambs. Small Ruminant Research 56:55-64.

Burke JM, Miller JE, Larsen M, Terrill, T.H.  2005. Interaction between copper oxide wire particles and Duddingtonia flagrans in lambs.  Veterinary Parasitology  134:141-146.

Shaik, S.A., T. H. Terrill, J.E. Miller, B. Kouakou, G. Kannan, R. M. Kaplan, J.M. Burke, and J. Mosjidis. 2006. Sericea lespedeza hay as a natural deworming agent against gastrointestinal nematode infection in goats. Vet. Parasitol. (In Press).

Kannan, G., K.E. Saker, T. H. Terrill, B. Kouakou, S. Galipalli, and S. Gelaye. 2006. Tasco Seaweed Extract Supplementation: I. Effects on immune function, and oxidation-antioxidant status in goats exposed to simulated preslaughter transportation stress. Small Ruminant Research (Accepted).

Kannan, G., T. H. Terrill, B. Kouakou, and S. Galipalli. 2006. Tasco Seaweed Extract Supplementation: II. Effects on blood metabolites and live weight shrinkage in goats esposed to simulated preslaughter transportation stress. Small Ruminant Research (Accepted).

Kaplan, R.M., J.M. Burke, T. H. Terrill, J.E. Miller, W.R. Getz, S. Mobini, E. Valencia, M.J. Williams, L.H.Williamson, M. Larsen, and A.F. Vatta. 2004. Validation of the FAMACHA© eye color chart for detecting clinical anemia in sheep and goats on farms in the southern United States. Veterinary Parasitology 123:105-120.

Proceedings Papers

Dykes, G.S., Terrill, T.H., Shaik, S.A., Miller, J.E., Kouakou, B., Kannan, G., Burke, J.M., Kaplan, R.M., Mosjidis, J.A., 2006. Effect of sericea lespedeza hay on gastrointestinal nematode infection in goats. Proc. Am. For. Grassl. Council 15, 245-249.

Muir, J.P., E. Valencia, S. Weiss, and T.H. Terrill. 2006. Small ruminants for biological control of invasive vegetation.  Proceedings XXIV Caribbean Food Crops Society Meeting. July 9-14, San Juan Puerto Rico.

Shaik, S.A., T. H. Terrill, J.E. Miller, B. Kouakou, G. Kannan, R.M. Kaplan, J.M. Burke, and J.A. Mosjidis. 2005. Anthelmintic effects of sericea lespedeza hay fed to goats infected with Haemonchus contortus. Proceedings of the XX International Grassland Congress, 26 June – 6 July, 2005, Dublin, Ireland.

Terrill, T.H., W.F. Whitehead, R.G. Durham, C.S. Hoveland, B.P. Singh, and S. Gelaye. 2005. Preference Of Grazing Goats For Cool-Season Annual Clovers. Proceedings of the XX International Grassland Congress, 26 June – 6 July, 2005, Dublin, Ireland.

Miller, J.E., J.A. Stuedemann, and T. H. Terrill. 2005. Nematode parasites and grazing research.  Proceedings of the 59th Southern Pasture and Forage Crop Improvement Conference, 11-13 May 2005, Philadelphia, MS.

Terrill, T.H., and J.E. Miller. 2005. Nematode parasites in small ruminant grazing research: Changing perspectives.  Proceedings of the 59th Southern Pasture and Forage Crop Improvement Conference, 11-13 May 2005, Philadelphia, MS.


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