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IPPC Programs

The IPPC program has been evolving rapidly since 2002 to address the four areas of emphasis listed below.

Biological Control and Biologically-based Pest Management

Enhanced Diagnostic and Forecasting Tools

Pesticide Management, Rational Use and Risk Mitigation

Information Delivery, Decision Support and Outreach




Biological Control and Biologically-based Pest Management

Caneberry IPM

We are determining the potential for release of Lepidopteran parasitoids from pesticide limitation to enable biologically-based IPM in caneberries. The project combines phenology models, selective controls, conservation biological control and post-harvest separation of insect contaminants. This project follows up on a recent Oregon and Washington caneberry PMSP

Support from: Oregon Raspberry and Blackberry Commissions, USDA Western Region IPM and USDA Crops At Risk Programs

In IPPC: Len Coop, Mario Ambrosino, Gwendolyn Ellen, Paul Jepson

Tom and Anna Peerbolt; Peerbolt Crop Management

Diane Kaufman; OSU North Willamette Research and Extension Center

Charles Benbrook; Benbrook Consulting Services

Farmscaping for Beneficials

We are developing on-farm habitats for beneficial insects and pollinators through participatory research that applies the principles of Community IPM

Support from: USDA Western Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program

In IPPC: Gwendolyn Ellen, Mario Ambrosino, Paul Jepson

Mace Vaughan, Matthew Shepherd, Scott Hoffman Black; Xerces Society

Oregon Tilth

Organic potato pest management

The participatory organic potato project seeks to develop pest and nutrient management systems in collaboration with growers. The IPPC contribution is to address insect pest management.

Support from: USDA WSARE

In IPPC: Mario Ambrosino, Gwedolyn Ellen, Paul Jepson

Dan Sullivan, project PI, OSU Crop and Soil Science

Alex Stone, Co-PI, OSU Horticulture

Nick Andrews, OSU Small Farms Extension Program

Enhanced Diagnostic and Forecasting Tools

Pest models

IPPC has provided on-line access to pest phenology models and local weather data since 1996. We now obtain data from 6300+ weather stations nationally and we are developing a National Pest Modeling System. Over 17,000 model runs per year are delivered to users via their web browsers. Users have free access to daily phonological maps, a degree-day mapping calculator, 49 current phenology models and a growing disease modeling system.

Support from: Western Region IPM Grants program, National Plant Diagnostics Network (NPDN), Western IPM Center (WIPMC)

In IPPC: Len Coop

WIPMC Weather Systems Workgroup
, including members from Spatial Climate Analysis Service (OSU), University of California, Washington State University, USDA ARS, Fox Weather &  WNPDN

Climate and weather modeling

We are developing a state-of-the-art plant-disease and pest risk modeling system that quantifies and accounts for the uncertainties associated with model inputs and time and spatial scale dependencies

Support from: USDA National Research Initiative (NRI), NPDN

In IPPC: Len Coop, Paul Jepson

Walt Maheffee, USDA ARS

Bill Pfender, USDA ARS

Chris Daly, Spatial Climate Analysis Service

Fox Weather

Members of the WIPMC Weather Systems Workgroup

Pesticide Management, Rational Use and Risk Mitigation

Application technology

We conduct research and outreach in the refinement and management of pesticide application equipment and procedures to achieve maximum efficacy, with minimum pesticide losses

Support from: Oregon 319 Program, USDA CSREES

In IPPC: Paul Jepson

Nagajeran Ramalingam, IPPC/OSU Mid-Columbia Research and Extension Center

Pest Management Strategic Planning

We coordinate Pest Management Strategic Planning (PMSP’s) in the Pacific Northwest, in collaboration with colleagues in Washington and Idaho and the Western IPM Center

Support from: W IPM Center

In IPPC: Joe DeFrancesco

Members of the Pacific Northwest Workgroup in agricultural IPM issues

Rick Melnicoe and Linda Herbst, W IPM Center, UC Davis

Pesticide Safety Education Program

We lead a comprehensive program in pesticide safety education throughout the state, with additional programs in farm safety and IPM in Schools

Support from: USDA CSREES, US EPA

In IPPC: Tim Stock

Faculty in the Agriculture Extension Program

Oregon Department of Agriculture, Pesticides Division

Pesticide monitoring in the Senegal and Niger River basins

We are developing pesticide monitoring procedures, models of pesticide fate and behavior, human and environmental risk assessments as part of a multi-national Global Environment Foundation-funded project in W. Africa

Support from: FAO (UN) Plant Production and Protection Division

In IPPC: Paul Jepson, Jeffrey Jenkins

In OSU Environmental and Molecular Toxicology, Jeffrey Jenkins (IPPC/National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC))
, Dan Sudakin (NPIC, and National Pesticide Medical Monitoring Program), Larry Curtis, Kim Anderson (Food Safety and Environmental Stewardship laboratory)

John Bolte, Biological and Ecological Engineering

Anna Harding, OSU Public Health

Bill Settle, FAO AGPPP, Rome, Italy

LOCUSTOX, Dakar, Senegal

Collaborators Web Page

Information Delivery, Decision Support and Outreach

On-line IPM Handbooks

We format the insect and weed, and deliver all three on-line Pacific Northwest pest management handbooks, which are co-authored by IPM extension faculty throughout the region. Use of the on-line handbooks has grown from 70,356 users in 2003 to 688,286 in 2005

Support from: IPPC (USDA CSREES Smith-Lever IPM 39(d) funds)

In IPPC: Len Coop, Paul Jepson

Andrea Daley, Extension and Experiment Station Communications

Members of the Pacific Northwest Workgroup in agricultural IPM issues


We have developed an integrated outreach program in soil nutrient and pest management that addresses ways to minimize impacts on water quality

Support from: USDA CSREES National Water Quality Program, W IPM Center

In IPPC: Mary Halbleib, Paul Jepson, Jeffrey Jenkins

Dan Sullivan, OSU Crop and Soil Science
Sandy Hulstead , Environmental Protection Agency

Members of the Pacific Northwest Workgroup in agricultural IPM issues

Oregon and Washington USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service

IPM News and information service

We distribute IPM news and information to the over 200 public employees with IPM responsibilities in Oregon

Support from: USDA CSREES Smith-Lever IPM 39(d) funds; Western Region IPM Center

In IPPC: Paul Jepson


We distribute an e-mail and web-based IPM Newsletter to more than 4000 subscribers in greater than 142 countries, 8 times a year

Support from: USDA CSREES, USAID IPM CRSP, USDA CSREES Smith-Lever IPM 39(d) funds

In IPPC: Allan Deutsch


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