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Welcome to the Potato Information Exchange (PIE)

Serving you from the Crop and Soil Science Department at Oregon State University. The PIE is an information clearing house for growers and other production-oriented professionals. It provides text on most aspects of production, storage, and marketing and links to many additional topics of interest such as weather, food and water quality, pesticides and endangered species. Linkages to a long list of informative private and public web pages are available under Links. Always check these sites for additional information on any subject.

As you visit the PIE, please bring any needed improvements to our attention. We want to be sure that this webpage is user-friendly. Please send constructive e-mail suggestions to Dr. Jeffrey P. McMorran, OSU Potato Extension Specialist, (Potato-Extension (at) If you do not find answers to your questions, contact your local Extension Specialist or send an email to the PotatoNet chat room.


PIE benefits immeasurably from moral and financial support provided by the Oregon Potato Commission, Portland, OR.

Dr. Alvin R. Mosley, former Potato Extension Specialist, created PIE. The continuing technical assistance of Sara F. Monk, departmental Webmaster, and Curt Onstott, departmental Network Administrator, is sincerely appreciated.

PIE is currently maintained by the OSU Potato Program (Dr. Isabel Vales, Project Leader) with the assistance of Dr. Jeffrey P. McMorran, Dr. Silvia Rondon, and Dr. Al Mosley.

OSU Potato Program Leader:

Dr. M. Isabel Vales
OSU Potato Breeding and Genetics
Dept. of Crop and Soil Science
451A Crop Science Bldg.
Corvallis, OR 97331-3002
Email: isabel.vales (at)
Ph. (541) 737-3539; Fax 737-1589

For extension questions contact:

Dr. Jeffrey P. McMorran
OSU Potato Extension Specialist
Dept. of Crop and Soil Science
037A Crop Science Building
Corvallis, OR 97331-3002
Email: Potato-Extension (at)
Phone: (541)-737-4138

(be sure to have "potato question" on subject line)


Dr. Alvin R. Mosley
Dept. of Crop and Soil Science
421 Crop Science Bldg.
Corvallis, OR 97331-3002
Email: alvin.r.mosley (at)
Ph. (541) 737-5835; Fax 737-1334

Dr. Silvia I. Rondon
OSU Extension Entomologist Specialist
Hermiston Agricultural Research and Extension Center / Crop and Soil Science
2121 S First St.
Hermiston, OR 97838
Ph. (541) 567-8321 Ex. 108

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[Updated: Tuesday, December 16, 2008] 35617 visits since 04/18/2006