Department of Public Health (PH)

Public Health is an exciting and diverse field for those interested in the health and well-being of populations and their environments. Careers in the public and private sectors offer opportunities to work locally, regionally, nationally and internationally to promote health and prevent disease. Recognizing that multiple and complex factors affect the public’s health, our faculty and students examine environmental issues, access to health care services, health policies, and social and contextual factors as determinants of health.

The Oregon MPH Program was ranked 2nd in the nation for Community Health by U.S. News & World Report in 2003, the last time that particular discipline was ranked.

Marie Harvey
Department Chair

Rotating Photo

PH Students and Faculty

260 undergraduate students

120 graduate students

14 tenured and tenure-track faculty


Undergraduate and graduate students in Public Health have opportunities to conduct research with faculty, learning contemporary and classical research techniques. Research investigations are conducted on campus and in community, industrial, and other field sites principally in the Pacific Northwest and internationally. Research opportunities are available in environmental protection, chronic and infectious disease prevention, health services, health informatics, smoking cessation interventions, aging, and mental health.


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College of Health and Human Sciences, Oregon State University
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