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"Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink."

"Rime of the Ancient Mariner,"
Samuel Coleridge

The basic building block for all life on Earth, water is the most plentiful natural resource on the planet; in fact, over two-thirds of the Earth is covered by water. However, 97 percent is held in the oceans, while only 3 percent is freshwater. Of the freshwater, only 1 percent is easily accessible as ground or surface water, the remains are stored in glaciers and icecaps. Moreover, freshwater is not evenly distributed across land surfaces, and there are a number of heavily populated countries located in arid lands where fresh water is scarce.

Water also regulates the temperature of the planet and cycles essential nutrients through the land, air, and all living things. The flow of water through the atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere is called the hydrologic, or water, cycle. Thus, water is both the most abundant natural resource on our planet and a fundamental element of life whose preciousness requires diligent management.

Philosophies guiding management of water supplies changed during the 20th century. Until the second half of the 1900s, water management was governed by the goal of moving water to where it was most needed, particularly for irrigation of agricultural lands. Rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water were also used to carry away wastes from municipal and industrial uses, because it was believed that the pollutants would disperse in the water. In the past three decades, the focus of water management has shifted to considerations of municipal, agricultural, and industrial supplies, water quality, and the protection of aquatic ecosystems.

Many argue that privatization, rather than state-control, produces the most equitable, environmentally friendly, and economically sound system for managing both the distribution and consumption of water. Water rights which are transferable from one individual to another are the fundamental building blocks of such a system. Rather than government controlling access to water, in a private system individuals buy, sell, and trade water rights, just as we do with property rights today. However, critics charge that private water markets will undersupply consumers and lead to unequal distribution, skewing towards those with more means. Yet, in practice, this seems not to be the case.

Interestingly enough, privatization benefits are actually most visible in developing countries. People living on the margins, without recognizable property or water rights, are able to access clean drinking water for a small cost because local water vendors have responded to the many failures of government supply. In West Africa , for example, small, disposable bags of clean drinking water called “sachets” are available throughout the region for only a few cents. Many foreign companies are also responding to this increased demand, shipping large amounts of bottled water to consumers who need it most.

In creating a realistic market for water, price increases will effectively treat water as a finite and precious resource, reflecting all costs associated with its use; therefore, individuals will adapt, innovate, and find creative ways to trade and conserve. When prices do not reflect scarcity, it can result in waste, inefficiency, and environmental degradation.

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS): Earth's Water
Part of the USGS Water Science for Schools website, this section tells the story of where, how much, and in what forms water exists on Earth. They also have a section on special water topics.

Water, A Shared Responsibility
The 2nd UN World Water Development Report (2006) assesses the state of the world's freshwater resources and ecosystems; identifies critical issues and problems; measures progress towards achieving the sustainable use of water resources; and documents lessons learned.

Office of Water
The EPA's Office of Water has an extensive website containing information on water science, ground and drinking water, wastewater management, and wetlands, oceans, and watersheds.

Guidebook to Global Water Issues
This online book stems from ITT Industries' effort to bring awareness to global water issues. The pages reflect the views of a wide range of environmental journalists, scientists, water experts and economists, each with their own perspective on the issues. Differing opinions are offered, although none are endorsed.


Water Policy and Strategy
This document summarizes the United Nation Environment Programme's policy on water-related issues.

The Clean Water Act
This is the major law regulating water quality in the United States, estab­lishing a framework for regulating discharges of water pollutants.

Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act
This 1977 Act and its amendments provide for a continuing appraisal of U.S. soil, water and related resources, including fish and wildlife habitats, and a soil and water conservation program to assist landowners and land users in furthering soil and water conservation.


Water Science for Schools
The U.S. Geological Survey presents a collection of educational resources on the properties of water. Basic essays explain common water measurements, the distribution of water, its importance for life, and fun facts like "Why is the ocean salty?" and "How wet is your state?" The site includes quizzes and activities.

Water on the Web
This website from the University of Minnesota is targeted toward high school teachers and students. Through the use of data from their Remote Underwater Sampling Stations, the site encourages experimentation to understand and solve environmental problems.

Water, Water Everywhere?
This unique lesson plan provided by the Discovery Channel teaches students about the global water crisis that is facing the world today.

Is the Environment in Deep Water?
In this New York Times Learning Network lesson by Alison Zimbalist, students examine various fresh water and marine ecosystems, researching the aquatic life they support, threats from nature and humans, and preservation efforts, then creates a model of their ecosystem. [Grades 6-12]


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The UN named 2003 the Year of Fresh Water. On the official website, find teaching resources along with information about fresh water use, ecosystems, droughts, and floods.

Coastal Areas


The Great Ocean Conveyer Belt

The Water Cycle

Water Infrastructure

Water Quality

Water Supply

Water in Developing Countries

Water Use



This page was last updated on June 16, 2008.
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