Site Description
Station Information
Category: Baseline Station
Status: Operational - 1976, Major upgrade - October, 1997

The Barrow station began measuring aerosol radiative properties in 1976. Since 1988, simultaneous measurements of light absorption and light scattering (as a function of wavelength) have been made. A major upgrade of the aerosol sampling system was completed on October 5, 1997. The new system was funded by the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement program of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE/ARM). The new system provides aerosol measurements that are quantitatively comparable to measurements at other NOAA/ESRL and DOE/ARM sites. In addition to improved instrumentation, the new system measures aerosol properties in two particle size ranges at a controlled relative humidity. The old and new systems were operated in parallel for one year to evaluate any potential biases introduced in to the long time series of aerosol measurements at Barrow. The new system was referred to as North Slope of Alaska (NSA) during the overlap period. A comparison of the measurements shows good agreement between the old and new systems. April 2002 provided an opportunity to observe Asian dust at Barrow.

BRW Aerosol Properties Plots

These plots are designed to provide a quick look at the measured aerosol properties. They display raw unedited data, but known corrections for instrument errors have been applied.

Do not quote or cite.

Atmospheric Properties

Short Term Plots (smoothed corrected, 6 min. averages, includes up to last 48 hours of data transferred to GMD): Long-term Plots (smoothed corrected, hourly averages, last 30 days of data):

BRW System Status

These plots are designed to allow NOAA/ESRL/GMD staff to review current station operations. Feel free to browse these plots, but be aware that they are raw unedited data.

Most Recent Atmospheric Properties:
Short Term Status PlotsLong Term Status Plots