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Feb 14, 2008
Press Conference on Parliament Hill with NDP MP Paul Dewar

Canadian Organic Growers applauds Paul Dewar’s private members bill as an important step to reclaiming our food system. Canadians have a right to know what they’re eating and a right to know that the food that they’re eating is not contributing to the degradation of their health and the ecosystems of which they are a part. ... Read more

Nov 15, 2006
Canadian Organic Growers’ response to the proposed Organic Products Act

We believe that a federal regulation is a necessary first, though far from last, step for building a viable organic sector in Canada. We see organic agriculture not only as an essential tool to help move Canadian agriculture into the 21st century, but we believe that it can help our government meet its environmental objectives and give Canadians the traceable and accountable food system they want. Globally, the most successful organic regimes have received a considerable amount of government support beyond regulatory controls. These initiatives are designed to ensure adequate domestic production and reliable markets. We hope the Canadian government will demonstrate similar leadership. An important first step will be to ensure that adequate resources are allocated to not only implement the regulation, but to help raise public awareness of the new organic label. ... Read more

October 23, 2006
Canadian Organic Growers Releases Report on the State of Organic Production in Canada

OTTAWA, Ontario, Canada (October 23, 2006): Canadian Organic Growers (COG), Canada’s largest national organic organization, today released its analysis of the organic farming sector in Canada in 2005. These data were collected with the help of Canada’s organic certification bodies (CBs). According to Anne Macey, the report’s author, “This year’s results provide mixed signals about the health of the organic sector. Certain parts of the country, such as British Columbia continue to show strong growth, while growth in others appears to be slowing down.” ... Read more

September 5, 2006
Canadian Organic Growers applauds new organic regulation

OTTAWA, Ontario, Canada (Sept. 5, 2006): Canadian Organic Growers (COG), Canada’s largest national organic organization, applauds the Government of Canada’s new organic products regulation (available at www.cog.ca). “The organic regulation will help put Canadian agriculture on the path towards sustainability” said Janine Gibson, COG’s national President. “The regulation and the new Canada organic label will not only make it easier for Canadian consumers to identify home grown organic products, it will also create new market opportunities that will bring more farmers into the system. This is good news for both the environment and the consumer.” ... Read more

February 2005
Canadian Organic Growers Responds to proposed changes to the Plant Breeders’ Rights Act

Prepared by Anne Macey assisted by members of COG's Seeds Review Committee: Irena Knezevic, Peter Johnston, Chris Wells, Lloyd Strachan, Tom Manley, Jean Arnold, Celia Guilford. Also thanks to the following people who reviewed the document and/or made helpful suggestions: Brewster Kneen, Sharon Rempel, Dan Jason, Harro Wehrmann. When PBR legislation was proposed COG and many individual farmers and growers as well as consumers, made submissions to the Prime Minister and the Agriculture Minister in 1988 and to the Chair of the Legislative Committee on Bill C-15 in 1989. It is interesting and informative to note the concerns COG expressed at that time, the government's response, and today's reality after 14 years of implementation of the legislation. (These are set out below). COG was opposed to the PBR legislation in principle. Among other things we believed it would encourage the escalating use of chemicals in agriculture rather than encouraging the development of seed varieties which promote sound agricultural practices. At that time 50% of all "new varieties" of some crops were genetically engineered (GE) and being developed for tolerance to herbicides. COG’s suspicions proved correct as many of the “new varieties” that have been introduced are indeed GE and have caused an increased use of herbicides on Canadian farms. Although corporate-funded scientists would have us believe that GE foods are safe, virtually all of the independent research done on GE crops raises questions associated with risks to human health, soil quality, biodiversity, pollution, and increased input costs to farmers. ... Read more

December 2004
Report of the Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry


April 22, 2004
Canadian Organic Growers appears before Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry

