Inside Yellowstone - Features & Processes Videos
Orientation Videos

Ranger-Led Programs

Topic: Ranger-led programs are one of the best ways to have fun and learn about Yellowstone. June through September park rangers offer walks and talks throughout the day at many park locations.

2 minute 6 seconds
Written & Presented By:
Park Ranger George Heinz

Park Ranger Orville (Butch) Bach leads a group on a Ranger Adventure Hike.

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iTunes Podcast

Videos © 2007 Yellowstone Park Foundation

Programs for Kids

Topic: Park rangers have developed a series of programs especially for children. There is no better place to be a kid than in Yellowstone National Park, and no better way to understand this spectacular place than participating in our programs for kids.

2 minutes 21 seconds
Written & Presented By:
Park Ranger George Heinz

Park Ranger Kelli English holds an elk antler while three kids hold a wolf hide during a program on Yellowstone wildlife.

Windows Media Player
iTunes Podcast

Videos © 2007 Yellowstone Park Foundation

Expedition: Yellowstone!

Topic: Back in 1985, park managers realized that tomorrow's decision-makers are here today. That's when Expedition: Yellowstone! was born. It's a curriculum-based residential program for students in grades 4 through 8.

2 minutes 50 seconds
Written & Presented By:
Park Ranger George Heinz

An Expedition: Yellowstone! student smiles during an outdoor session.

Windows Media Player
iTunes Podcast

Videos © 2007 Yellowstone Park Foundation

Bonus Features

Related Web Pages:

Ranger-Led Program Schedules

Yellowstone's Web Section for Kids

Expedition: Yellowstone! - Yellowstone's Residential Program for Kids

Windows into Wonderland - Yellowstone's Online Field Trips

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Last Updated:
Thursday, 21-Feb-2008 22:34:34 Eastern Standard Time /archive/yell/insideyellowstone/0040orientation.htm