NIJ-Funded Projects Conducted by the NIST Human Identity Team

These projects were and are supported by Grant Number 1999-IJ-R-A094 and 2003-IJ-R-029, which is an interagency agreement between NIJ and the NIST Office of Law Enforcement Standards, awarded by the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, US Department of Justice. Points of view in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the US Department of Justice. Certain commercial equipment, instruments and materials are identified in order to specify experimental procedures as completely as possible.  In no case does such identification imply a recommendation or endorsement by the National Institute of Standards and Technology nor does it imply that any of the materials, instruments or equipment identified are necessarily the best available for the purpose.

NIJ Program Manager: Dr. Lois A. Tully (email:

NIST Office of Law Enforcement Standards: Susan M. Ballou (email:

The following projects represent a partnership between NIJ and NIST to bring high standards and new technology to the scales of justice... [Poster summarizing work as of June 2006] [PhotoStory overview of NIST project team - video in Windows Media format] ...See also


[Human DNA Quantitation] [Mitochondrial DNA] [Y Chromosome] [Compromised DNA Evidence] [Miniaturization and Automation] [General Tools and Information] [Non-Human DNA] [Alternative Forensic DNA Markers]

Alphabetical Listing of Projects

ABI 3100 performance with various STR typing systems (April 2001-June 2003)

ABI 3130xl upgrade evaluation (Sept 2005-May 2006)

AutoDimer: software to enable rapid multiplex PCR design (2000-2005) [see also software.htm]

Autosomal SNP loci (July 2002-present)

Autosomal STR loci: beyond the CODIS markers (Jan 2004-present) [see also newSTRs.htm]

Biomatrica dry storage device DNA stability studies (June 2007-present)

Cat STR assay: development of the �MeowPlex� (Oct 2001-Aug 2002)  [see also catSTRs.htm]

DNA quantitation methods: evaluation and comparison (2004-present) [see also DNAquant.htm]

DNA recovery from aged bloodstains on untreated filter paper (summer 2001)

DNA recovery from bloodstains on various filter papers (spring 2001)

DNA recovery from various tubes (2004-present)

DNA stability studies (1994-2004)

Dog STR assay development (Feb 2007-present)  [see also dogSTRs.htm]

Expert Systems: FSS-i3 software evaluation (Jan 2006-present)

Genetic variation in U.S. populations (June 2002-present) [see also NISTpop.htm]

Interlaboratory studies: NIST Mixed Stain Study #1 & #2 (1997-2001)

Interlaboratory studies: NIST Mixed Stain Study #3 (2000-2003)

Interlaboratory studies: DNA quantitation (QS04) (Jan 2004-Aug 2004)

Interlaboratory studies: STR mixture interpretation (MIX05) (Dec 2004-present)

Literature collection on topics related to forensic DNA typing (1993-present)

Locus-specific brackets (LSBs) for Y-STR typing (Oct 2003-July 2004)

Luminex system for Y-SNP typing (Aug 2001-Dec 2002)

Mass spectrometry SNP typing (2000-2002)

MiniFiler concordance study (Mar 2006-Nov 2006)

miniSTR assays for recovery of information from degraded DNA (June 2000-present) - collaboration with Bruce McCord

miniSTR: new loci and assays/support to other labs (Apr 2004-Apr 2006)

Mitochondrial DNA: LINEAR ARRAY evaluation (July 2002-Oct 2003)

Mitochondrial DNA: coding region SNP assay development (2001-2006)

Mitochondrial DNA: Affymetrix MitoChip evaluation (Oct 2005-present)

mixSTR: a tool to aid mixture DNA cases (March 2005-June 2005) [see also software.htm]

Multiplex PCR assay development (2000-present)

Multiplex_QA: development of data quality assessment software (July 2003-May 2006) [see also software.htm]

Nuclear DNA from hair shafts (May 2004-Feb 2005)

Quality control methods for PCR primers (Nov 1999-Jan 2001)

SNP typing: assay construction and testing of ancestry informative markers (2006-present)

SNP typing assays (2000-present)

SNP website for possible forensic SNP loci (Aug 2003-present) [see also SNP.htm]

SRM 2391, 2391a, 2391b: PCR-based DNA Profiling Standard (1995-present)

SRM 2395: Human Y-Chromosome DNA Profiling Standard (2002-present) [see also srm2395.htm]

SRM 2372: Human DNA Quantitation Standard (2003-present) [see also srm2372.htm]

STRBase: a human identity testing community resource (Jan 1997 to present) [see also index.htm]

STR kit primer sequence analysis (Oct 1999-Jan 2001)

Supplying samples to collaborators and colleagues (2003-present) - Perlin 2003, Mathies 2004, Locascio (2004-2006), Kayser 2007, Tom Hall 2007, Alison Kier 2007

Training materials: STR typing using capillary electrophoresis (Sept 2001-present) [see also training.htm]

Training materials: mixture interpretation and low-copy number DNA testing (Jan 2006-present) [see also training.htm]

Validation resources, standardization, and training (June 2004-present) [see also validation.htm]

Variant allele sequencing to determine basis for allele dropout (May 2002-present) [see also STRseq.htm]

Y-chromosome: Duplication characterization (July 2001-July 2005)

Y-chromosome: Examination of the DYS464 multi-copy marker (July 2002-Sept 2003)

Y-chromosome: Y-SNP variation in U.S. populations (May 2002-July 2004)

Y-chromosome: Y-STR kit evaluations (June 2002-Aug 2004)

Y-chromosome: Y-STR multiplex assay development (June 2000-May 2003)

Y-chromosome: Y-STR mutation rate determination (Sept 2005-present)

Y-chromosome: Y-STR value of additional loci (July 2002-present)


Topical Listing of Projects 

Human DNA Quantitation

DNA quantitation methods: evaluation and comparison (2004-present) [see also DNAquant.htm]

Interlaboratory studies: NIST Mixed Stain Study #1 & #2 (1997-2001)

Interlaboratory studies: NIST Mixed Stain Study #3 (2000-2003)

Interlaboratory studies: DNA quantitation (QS04) (Jan 2004-Aug 2004)

SRM 2372: Human DNA Quantitation Standard (2003-present) [see also srm2372.htm]


Mitochondrial DNA

Mitochondrial DNA: LINEAR ARRAY evaluation (July 2002-Oct 2003)

Mitochondrial DNA: coding region SNP assay development (2001-2006)

Mitochondrial DNA: Affymetrix MitoChip evaluation (Oct 2005-present)


Y Chromosome

Y-chromosome: Duplication characterization (July 2001-July 2005)

Y-chromosome: Examination of the DYS464 multi-copy marker (July 2002-Sept 2003)

Y-chromosome: Y-SNP variation in U.S. populations (May 2002-July 2004)

Y-chromosome: Y-STR kit evaluations (June 2002-Aug 2004)

Y-chromosome: Y-STR multiplex assay development (June 2000-May 2003)

Y-chromosome: Y-STR mutation rate determination (Sept 2005-present)

Y-chromosome: Y-STR value of additional loci (July 2002-present)

SRM 2395: Human Y-Chromosome DNA Profiling Standard (Mar 2002-May 2003)


Compromised DNA Evidence

miniSTR assays for recovery of information from degraded DNA (June 2000-present)

miniSTR: new loci and assays/support to other labs (Apr 2004-Apr 2006)

MiniFiler concordance study (Mar 2006-Nov 2006)

DNA recovery from aged bloodstains on untreated filter paper (summer 2001)

DNA recovery from bloodstains on various filter papers (spring 2001)

DNA recovery from various tubes (2004-present)

DNA stability studies (1994-2004)

Nuclear DNA from hair shafts (May 2004-Feb 2005)


Miniaturization and Automation

Supplying PCR products to Laurie Locascio's NIST microchip CE project team (2004-2006)

Supplying DNA samples and mixtures to Rich Mathies microchip CE project team (2004)


General Tools and Information

STRBase: a human identity testing community resource (Jan 1997 to present) [see also index.htm]

Training materials: STR typing using capillary electrophoresis (Sept 2001-present) [see also training.htm]

Training materials: mixture interpretation and low-copy number DNA testing (Jan 2006-present) [see also training.htm]

Validation resources, standardization, and training (June 2004-present) [see also validation.htm]

Variant allele sequencing to determine basis for allele dropout (May 2002-present) [see also STRseq.htm]

ABI 3100 performance with various STR typing systems (April 2001-June 2003)

ABI 3130xl upgrade evaluation (Sept 2005-May 2006)

AutoDimer: software to enable rapid multiplex PCR design (2000-2005) [see also software.htm]

Biomatrica dry storage device DNA stability studies (June 2007-present)

Expert Systems: FSS-i3 software evaluation (Jan 2006-present)

Genetic variation in U.S. populations (June 2002-present) [see also NISTpop.htm]

Interlaboratory studies: NIST Mixed Stain Study #1 & #2 (1997-2001)

Interlaboratory studies: NIST Mixed Stain Study #3 (2000-2003)

Interlaboratory studies: DNA quantitation (QS04) (Jan 2004-Aug 2004)

Interlaboratory studies: STR mixture interpretation (MIX05) (Dec 2004-present)

Literature collection on topics related to forensic DNA typing (1993-present)

mixSTR: a tool to aid mixture DNA cases (March 2005-June 2005) [see also software.htm]

Multiplex PCR assay development (2000-present)

Multiplex_QA: development of data quality assessment software (July 2003-May 2006) [see also software.htm]


Non-Human DNA

Cat STR assay: development of the �MeowPlex� (Oct 2001-Aug 2002)  [see also catSTRs.htm]

Dog STR assay development (Feb 2007-present)  [see also dogSTRs.htm]


Alternative Forensic DNA Markers

Autosomal SNP loci (July 2002-present)

Autosomal STR loci: beyond the CODIS markers (Jan 2004-present) [see also newSTRs.htm]

SNP typing assays (2000-present)

SNP website for possible forensic SNP loci (Aug 2003-present) [see also SNP.htm]

Y-chromosome: Y-STR value of additional loci (July 2002-present)

Y-chromosome: Y-SNP variation in U.S. populations (May 2002-July 2004)



Complete Publication and Presentation List from 2000 - present:

Published Work with Other NIJ-Funded Collaborators

Butler, J.M., and Becker, C.H. (2001) Improved analysis of DNA short tandem repeats with time-of-flight mass spectrometry.  Final Report for NIJ Grant 97-LB-VX-0003, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice (75 published pages);

Butler, J.M., Schoske, R., Vallone, P.M., Kline, M.C., Redd, A.J., and Hammer, M.F. (2002) A novel multiplex for simultaneous amplification of 20 Y chromosome STR markers. Forensic Sci. Int. 129: 10-24.


Butler, J.M., David, V.A., O�Brien, S.J., and Menotti-Raymond, M. (2002) The MeowPlex: a new DNA test using tetranucleotide STR markers for the domestic cat. Profiles in DNA, Promega Corporation, Volume 5, No. 2, pp. 7�10.

Butler, J.M., Shen, Y., and McCord, B.R. (2003) The development of reduced size STR amplicons as tools for analysis of degraded DNA. J. Forensic Sci 48(5) 1054-1064.

Butler, J.M., Buel, E., Crivellente, F., and McCord, B.R. (2004) Forensic DNA typing by capillary electrophoresis: using the ABI Prism 310 and 3100 Genetic Analyzers for STR analysis. Electrophoresis, 25: 1397-1412.

Chung, D.T., Drabek, J., Opel, K.L., Butler, J.M., and McCord, B.R. (2004) A study on the effects of degradation and template concentration on the efficiency of the STR miniplex primer sets. J. Forensic Sci. 49(4): 733-740.

Coble, M.D., Vallone, P.M., Just, R.S., Diegoli, T.M., Smith, B.C., Parsons, T.J. (2006) Effective strategies for forensic analysis in the mitochondrial DNA coding region. Int. J. Legal. Med. 120:27-32. [Supplementary Data].

Drabek, J., Chung, D.T., Butler, J.M., and McCord, B.R. (2004) Concordance study between miniplex STR assays and a commercial STR typing kit. J. Forensic Sci. 49(4): 859-860.

Just, R.S., Irwin, J.A., O'Callaghan, J.E., Saunier, J.L., Coble, M.D., Vallone, P.M., Butler, J.M., Barritt, S.M., and Parsons, T.J. (2004) Toward increased utility of mtDNA in forensic identifications. Forensic Sci. Int. 146S: S147-S149.

Kline, M.C., Vallone, P.M., Redman, J.W., Duewer, D.L., Calloway, C.D., and Butler, J.M. (2005) Mitochondrial DNA typing screens with control region and coding region SNPs. J. Forensic Sci. 50: 377-385.

Levin, B.C., Holland, K.A., Hancock, D.A., Coble, M., Parsons, T.J., Kienker, L.J., Williams, D.W., Jones, M.P., and Richie, K.L. (2003) �Comparison of the complete mtDNA genome sequences of human cell lines - HL-60 and GMIO742A - from individuals with pro-myelocytic leukemia and leber hereditary optic neuropathy, respectively, and the inclusion of HL-60 in the NIST human mitochondrial DNA standard reference material - SRM 2392-I.� Mitochondrion 2: 387-400.

McCord, B.R., and Butler, J.M. (2001) The application of capillary electrophoresis to the analysis of PCR products used in DNA typing. Methods in Molecular Biology: Clinical and Forensic Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis (Petersen, J. and Mohammad, A.A., eds.), Humana Press: Totowa, New Jersey, pp. 261-284.

Menotti-Raymond, M.A., David, V.A., Wachter, L.A., Butler, J.M., O�Brien, S.J. (2005) An STR forensic typing system for genetic individualization of domestic cat (Felis catus) samples. J. Forensic Sci. 50(5): 1061-1070.

Redd, A.J., Agellon, A.B., Kearney, V.A., Karafet, T., de Knijff, P., Park, H., Butler, J.M., and Hammer, M.F. (2002) Forensic value of fourteen novel STRs on the human Y chromosome. Forensic Sci. Int. 130: 97-111.

Schoske, R., Butler, J.M., Vallone, P.M., Kline, M.C., Prinz, M., Redd, A.J., Hammer, M.F. (2001) Development of Y STR megaplex assays. Proceedings of the Twelve International Symposium on Human Identification 2001, Promega Corporation.

Vallone, P.M., Just, R.S., Coble, M.D., Butler, J.M., and Parsons, T.J. (2004) A multiplex allele-specific primer extension assay for forensically informative SNPs distributed throughout the mitochondrial genome. Int. J. Legal Med., 118: 147-157.


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Last updated: 07/05/2007