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Keywords: All entries on this site are referenced to one or more of the following keywords:
Aquatic_plant_ management, Asian_carp, Asiatic_clam, Ballast_water, Basic_biology, Big_Head_carp, Bio-accumulation, Biological_control, Bivalve, Black_carp, Byssal_attachment, Bythotrephes, Caulerpa_taxifolia, Chemical_control, Chinese_mitten_crab, Coatings, Colonization, Common_Reed, Curly_leaf_pondweed, Dams, Dispersal_mechanism, Disposal, Ecological_interactions, Economic_Impacts, Education, Electricity, Environmental_Impacts, Eurasian_watermilfoil, European_green_crab, European_Rudd, Filters, Fishhook_Waterflea, Frogbit, Grass_carp, Hydrilla, Industry, Inland_lakes/rivers, Monitoring, New_Zealand_mud_snail, Nonindigenous, Northern_Snakehead, Ongoing_Project, Outreach, Physical_control, Policy, Population_dynamics, Predators, Prevention, Purple_loosestrife, Quagga_mussels, Round_goby, Ruffe, Rusty_Crayfish, Sea_lamprey, Silver_carp, Veliger, Water_Chestnut, Water_Hyacinth, White_Perch, Zebra_mussel

Products: All entries on this site are categorized by one of the following product types:
Bibliographies, Youth_Education, Maps, Publication, Report, Sea_Grant_Zebra_Mussel_Update, Research Findings, Basic_Biology, Control, Impact, Outreach, Extension_Pub, Predicting_the_spread, Images, Multimedia

User Type: All entries are categorized in one of the following user types:
General, Industrial_and_Municipal, Shore_Property, Boating_and_Shipping, Resource_Management, Education(K-University)