University of Missouri-Columbia
MU Bradford Research and Extension Center
Agricultural Experiment Station
College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
Driving directions
New Franklin, Howard County


Hickman House

Tours and Events


Contact us
Gene Garrett

Farm Manager:
Ray Glendening

Nancy Bishop
10 Research Center Rd.
New Franklin, MO 65274
Phone: 660-848-2268
Fax: 660-848-2144


1819 Hickman House Rehabilitation Progress Update

West side of the 1819 Hickman House, currently under restoration.
Rehabilitation of the Hickman House, located on the grounds of the University of Missouri Horticulture and Agroforestry Research Center, began in late 2007.

See article about Hickman House rehabilitation in Spring 2008 issue of Illumination.

Efforts have included pouring a new foundation by digging the house out 4 feet at a time; restoring original window size and replacing panes and sashes; reshingling the roof in period materials; removing paint from and stabilizing the exterior brick; refinishing original floors and woodwork; and restoring interior plaster. In addition, the four chimneys have been rebuilt from a state of crumbling and the original summer kitchen is being reconstructed based on archeological and historical information.

Cracks in the original interior plaster reveal brick walls.

Although the home is being restored as much to its original state as possible, it is considered a “rehabilitation” rather than a “restoration” project as modern lighting, plumbing, and heating and cooling systems will be installed to make the house as usable as possible – as a welcome center for the farm.

One room will be completely furnished in period style, while the other three will serve as reception and exhibition spaces for presentations on farming, from the past to the present – especially current projects at the Horticulture and Agroforestry Research Center.

In addition, paths to both the nearby Hickman family graveyard and the Center’s botanical garden will be constructed.

Efforts are expected to be completed in summer 2008.

Original hickory floor joists are uncovered.
The original stone foundation at the Hickman House was recently painstakingly reinforced with concrete.
The sun peeks through into the Hickman House, revealing the woodwork of an original cabinet.

The Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station is the research arm of the
College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
at the University of Missouri-Columbia

Site maintained by people at AgEBB