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University of Houston
Department of History
524 Agnes Arnold Hall
Houston, TX 77204-3003
Phone: 713/743-3083
Fax: 713/743-3216

Welcome to the University of Houston Department of History website.

We have an outstanding faculty who are productive scholars and great teachers. We have 33 faculty who have published over 85 books, including many national prize-winners, with 35 books since 2000 alone! Our department has several distinguished professors and three endowed chairs as well, and a large number of our faculty have won UH teaching awards. Since the late 1970s, when our doctoral program began, we have graduated over 100 Ph.D. students, most of whom are now teaching at universities and colleges all over the U.S. Our graduates have collectively published over 50 books [with the vast majority since 1990] with some of the most prestigious academic presses, and two have won the Fehrenbach Prize for the best book in Texas history. Clearly we are an outstanding department and we’re on the rise.

We also have the opportunity to teach at one of the most diverse universities in the country in America’s fourth-largest city, and that is reflected in our faculty, the courses we offer, and our students. We have excellent programs in U.S. history, Latin American history, Mexican-American and immigration studies, European history, foreign relations and war, African-American history, family and public history, environmental studies, and various other areas. And we are an active part of the Houston community, working with the African-American Studies, Mexican-American Studies, Women’s Studies, and Public History programs in collaborative and outreach programs.

Take a look at our website and learn about our faculty, our publications, our students, our classes and our accomplishments. And you’re always welcome to visit us, contact us, or even make a contribution to help fund student scholarships. Our mission is to enrich our knowledge of the past, educate our students, and be an active part of the Houston community, and we welcome you to join us in it.

Bob Buzzanco
Chair, UH Department of History