Report a quarantine concern

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Report a quarantine concern

Around 10 million cargo items, 12.5 million passengers and 150 million mail items enter Australia each year. AQIS has rigorous and highly effective import declaration, inspection and import treatment requirements in place to protect Australia's unique environment and health status. Despite this, a very small percentage of imported items may still contain a pest or disease of quarantine concern after clearing quarantine.

If you see something that could have entered Australia with imported goods, and you think it may be a quarantine concern, tell AQIS about it. Examples include:

  • large or small bugs
  • ants
  • spiders
  • snails
  • timber borers
  • moths and caterpillars
  • fungus
  • decorations made of plant or animal materials.

Christmas fact sheet—Avoid any 'bah hum bugs' this Christmas  PDF Icon PDF [71kb]

Exotic timber pests—help keep them out of Australia  PDF Icon PDF [118kb]

More information on pests and diseases.

You will not be prosecuted

You will not be prosecuted if you or someone you know has unintentionally imported material of quarantine concern, or you purchased the item in Australia.

Specially trained AQIS Officers respond to all reports of quarantine concerns relating to imported items whether coming through airports, seaports or mail. All reports are investigated.

Quarantine is everyone's responsibility. AQIS appreciates your assistance in helping to maintain Australia's freedom from exotic and invasive pests and diseases.

How to report a quarantine concern

You should provide as much detail as you can of the quarantine concern and the related imported item by completing the following form. Alternatively, you can telephone AQIS on 1800 020 504.

* Required information



* First name

* Last name

Email address

* Phone number

* State or territory

Quarantine concern
(Please provide details of your quarantine concern, including type of item, when purchased or imported and from where, and what is the quarantine concern e.g. bugs in rice)

Last reviewed: 19 Dec 2008