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Updated 12 October, 2003

Acclimations logo & link to Acclimations homeAssessment News-Bits
From Acclimations, January-February 1999
Newsletter of the US National Assessment of
the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change


Synthesis Team:

The first edition of the Synthesis Team Bulletin ("NAST NOTES") was distributed in January 1999.Synthesis Team Liaisons are working closely with their counterparts in regions and sectors to identify issues and develop first drafts of the report sections.

Federal Working Group (NAWG):

The Subcommittee on Global Change Research approved a charge to its National Assessment Working Group to develop a strategy for the Post-2000 phase of the National Assessment. This will begin with a survey and consultation phase.


In late January, the Canadian climate model data (CGCM1) was re-released, and the Hadley model data (HADCM2) was released. These can be accessed from the main web site.

The NCDC Climate Epochs Data Set is now linked to the web site.

On February 5, NPA Data Services, Inc. distributed a CD-ROM to the regional and sectoral chairs containing annual historical data through 1997 and three economic projections scenarios: high, baseline, and low growth - to 2025 (this was for the Economic database; the growth projections of the Demographic and Household databases will come soon, as well as all three extending to 2050).


The Agriculture Sector held a workshop January 21-22 in Washington D.C. to review current understanding and discuss assessment strategy.

Representatives of the water and coastal sectors participated in a USGS-sponsored Climate Change and Wetlands Workshop in Patuxent, Maryland.


The National Assessment's Blue Ribbon Review Panel is being formed as a subcommittee to PCAST: the President's Council on Science and Technology. Further information is expected by late February.

A Special Issue of "Climate Research" (Volume 11) was published, with articles on global change impacts and adaptation. Several articles were drafted by National Assessment participants.



High, Mid-Range and Low Socioeconomic scenarios (1997-2025) To develop common assumptions for teams to use in assessing socioeconomic conditions for the next 25-30 years.

Mid-Range: Currently available

High and Low: February 1999

High, Mid-Range and Low Socioeconomic projections (2025-2050) To develop common boundaries for teams to use in assessing high and low conditions for the next 25-30 years. February 1999
Summary of Forecasts of Technological Change and Institutional Change As additional supporting contextual material. Currently available


Gridded Climate Record (VEMAP) To obtain spatially uniform information about T, P, solar radiation, and vapor pressures for the U.S. This data has been processed using VEMAP algorithms to account for topography, etc. Currently available
Climate Station Data (HCN) To obtain continuous records of T and P at meteorological station across the U.S. This Historic Climate Network record should be used for calculating trends. Currently available
Climate Epochs Data Set To identify adjacent periods with significant changes of temperature, precipitation, or both. The data can be used to examine the impacts of climate change by looking at historical periods having different climates. Currently available
Temperature Extremes CD-Rom To look at probabilities of having 1, 2, ... 31 days over or under a given threshold at a given station for a given month. Currently available (on a CD-Rom)


Gridded Climate Scenarios (VEMAP processed for Hadley and Canadian) To generate estimates of future change in climate ratios have been superimposed on the VEMAP2 historical data set to provide projections about T, P, solar radiation, and water vapor pressures for the U.S. Currently available
Climate Model Scenarios
  • UK Hadley Centre and Canadian Climate Centre: Runs include (a) greenhouse gases and (b) greenhouse gases plus sulfate for IPCC IS92 scenarios. Monthly average and daily data are also currently available.
  • NCAR: Runs include (a) business as usual; (b) stabilization at 550 ppm. Includes the direct effect of multiple greenhouse gases, a real sulfate chemistry model, and a coupled AOGCM that is not flux-corrected.
  • Monthly average results are also available for the Max Planck (German) and GFDL (US) models.
Early 1999


EOS-WEBSTER A web-based data selection and sub-setting tool to provide users access to the historical and GCM-based monthly climate data sets. Users will able to create their own subsets of the data based on geographic, temporal, and some limited data value section criteria based on the geographic region of interest. Early 1999

Note: All data products can be accessed through the main web site (; then go under "Scenarios")


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