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Acclimations logo & link to Acclimations homeNational Assessment Summer Workshop
From Acclimations, July-August 1998
Newsletter of the US National Assessment of
the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change


The Summer Workshop of National Assessment leaders will be held July 27-31, 1998, in Monterey, California. The workshop will bring together region and sector leaders, along with members of the synthesis team.

The overarching goal of the workshop is to integrate the different elements of the National Assessment to assure cohesion. To accomplish this, several objectives for the workshop have been identified:

  • To promote communication, sharing of information, coordination, collaboration, and exchange of ideas among all National Assessment participants.
  • To amplify and clarify the process for generating the first assessment reports and for building and sustaining stakeholder interactions,
  • To facilitate and enable regions and sectors to take the next steps in furthering their assessment activities.

Participants will review the sector plans and the expectations and timelines for regional assessments, and will discuss the challenges the regions are facing in meeting their goals. Other workshop sessions will include discussions of socioeconomic scenarios, outreach to stakeholders, and steps beyond the 1999/2000 report process.

1998 Summer Workshop Agenda Summary:

Monday, July 27: Discussing the Assessment Framework and Defining Questions and Issues to Address or Resolve Throughout the Course of the Meeting

Tuesday, July 28: Reviewing the Regional Strategies and Building Inter-regional Communication and Collaboration

Wednesday, July 29: Discussing Scenario Approaches and Providing Assistance on Data Access and Use

Thursday, July 30: Fostering Continuous Dialogue among Stakeholders and Building Capacity for Information Exchange

Friday, July 31: Bringing the Pieces Together to Define a Coherent National Assessment



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