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Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center

U.S. Forest Service - Southern Research Station - Asheville, North Carolina
Home » Data & Tools » Forest Threat Summary Viewer
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Forest Threat Summary Viewer

The Forest Threat Summary Viewer provides images, distribution maps, web links, extension and state contact information, and brief and detailed descriptions about specific forest threats in the eastern United States.

The viewer is a user-friendly, Web-based tool searchable by forest threat (e.g., hemlock woolly adelgid) or by State. Threats are categorized by today’s familiar forest concerns, including invasive plants, insects and diseases, loss of open space, climate change, and wildland fire. This initial version of the multi-phased tool will be continually updated with environmental threats as well as additional search features.

Hemlock woolly adelgid infestation - Chris Evans, River to River CWMA,


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