Who We Are

What We Do


Working for Farmers

cornfield, blue skyAttorney General Tom Miller established the Farm Division in 1979. It was the first of its type in the nation and remains unique in the country as the only unit in a state attorney general's office dedicated solely to the interests of farmers and other rural residents.

The Farm Division has several functions: First, it serves as the primary legal counsel for nearly all bureaus of the Iowa Department of Agriculture & Land Stewardship, including all thirteen administrative bureaus, five regulatory bureaus, five laboratory bureaus, and the Iowa Agricultural Development Authority.

Second, the Farm Division represents the interests of Iowa farmers in litigation in state and federal courts. Over the years, the Division has investigated and brought numerous consumer fraud cases involving agriculture on topics ranging from phony pesticides to tractor hour meter tampering to fake soil enhancements. The Division recently pursued litigation to enforce Iowa's corporate farming statute (Iowa Code chapter 9H) regarding Smithfield Foods' acquisition of Murphy Family Farms' Iowa assets.

The Farm Division also works with other state attorneys general in multi-state investigations and litigation. Most notable was the multistate effort led by the Division which resulted in a mitigation agreement with Aventis Crop Science, recouping over $14 million for Iowa farmers and grain elevators adversely affected by StarLink corn.

Third, the Division develops and promotes legislation. Since 2000, it has spearheaded a multistate legislative initiative aimed at creating legislation to provide farmers engaged in production and marketing contracting with tools to enhance their positions in those contracts.

Fourth, the Division undertakes extensive educational efforts for farmers, rural bankers, agricultural attorneys, and others on issues facing rural Iowa. The efforts include presentations around the state, brochures, Farm Advisory and bulletins, public service announcements, and website information. Issues addressed include production and marketing contracts, credit sale contracts, hedge-to-arrive contracts, fertilizer and insecticide application, cooperative deferred dividend issues, farm safety, farm implement hour meter concerns, farm lease laws, and GMOs.

We hope you find the information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the Farm Division at the phone number and email address set out below.

Press Releases
Farm Advisories
Farm Brochures
Farm Laws & Regulations
Agricultural Production & Marketing Contracts
Farm Equipment Complaint Form


Iowa Attorney General's Farm Division
Lucas Building
Des Moines, Iowa 50319
Phone: 515 281-5351
Fax: 515 242-6072
Email: farm@ag.state.ia.us