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Wyoming Toad Bufo baxteri

  Photo courtesy of US Fish and
  Wildlife Service

The Wyoming Toad, Bufo baxteri is among the rarest amphibians in North America. It is found primarily at the Mortenson Lake National Wildlife Refuge near Laramie, Wyoming, where biologists estimate that 27 breeding adults still remain in the wild. The species is also maintained through numerous captive breeding programs around the country.
According to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, insecticides, changing agricultural practices, increased predation, disease, and climatic changes may have spurred the decline. The amphibian chytrid fungus, which has devastated frog and toad populations around the world has also recently been reported in captive and wild populations, according to the agency.
The Wyoming Toad typically calls from mid-May to early June.
Sources: US Fish and Wildlife ServiceIUCN Global Amphibian Assessment

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