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Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator

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There are a number of other web-based calculators that can estimate greenhouse gas emission reductions for

For basic information and details on greenhouse gas emissions, visit the Emissions section of EPA’s climate change site.

UPDATED December 8, 2008

Did you ever wonder what reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 1 million metric tons means in everyday terms? The following equivalency calculator can help you understand just that.

For example, it can be difficult to visualize what a "metric ton of carbon dioxide" really is. This calculator will translate rather difficult to understand statements into more commonplace terms, such as "is equivalent to avoiding the carbon dioxide emissions of X number of cars annually."

This equivalency calculator may be useful in communicating your greenhouse gas reduction strategy, reduction targets, or other initiatives aimed at reducing GHG emissions.

Enter Your Data Below

There are two options for entering reduction data into this calculator.

Option 1:

  1. If you are starting with reductions data in units of "gallons of gasoline consumed," "kilowatt-hours of electricity," "therms of natural gas," or "passenger vehicles per year" instead of emission reductions, use this option.
  2. Enter a quantity and pick the desired unit below; and
  3. Click on the "Calculate Equivalent" button to convert your value to Carbon Dioxide Equivalent.

? Click Here for Calculations and References


**This calculator uses an eGRID non-baseload national average emissions rate when calculating "kilowatt-hours of electricity" to "carbon dioxide equivalent".

Option 2:

If you have already estimated the quantity of avoided emissions reductions (e.g., metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent), you can input the amount of avoided emissions and select the appropriate units for the corresponding greenhouse gas type.

Amount Unit Gas
CO2 - Carbon Dioxide
CH4 - Methane
N2O - Nitrous Oxide
- Hydrofluorocarbon gases 
- Perfluorocarbon gases
SF6 - Sulfur Hexafluoride
Carbon Equivalent

*If your estimated emissions of methane, nitrous oxide, or other non-CO2 gases are already expressed in CO2 or carbon equivalents, please enter your figures in the row for CO2 or carbon equivalent.

The sum of the greenhouse gas emissions you entered above is of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent.

This is equivalent to one of the following:

Equivalency Results

Click on the question mark ? link to read the explanation of that particular calculation. Read about all calculations.

The information you entered above is equivalent to one of the following statements:

Annual greenhouse gas emissions from passenger vehicles ? (click to read more about this calculation)

CO2 emissions from gallons of gasoline consumed ?

CO2 emissions from barrels of oil consumed ?

CO2 emissions from tanker trucks’ worth of gasoline ?

CO2 emissions from the electricity use of homes for one year ?

CO2 emissions from the energy use of homes for one year ?

Carbon sequestered by tree seedlings grown for 10 years ?

Carbon sequestered annually by acres of pine or fir forests ?

Carbon sequestered annually by acres of forest preserved from deforestation ?

CO2 emissions from propane cylinders used for home barbeques ?

CO2 emissions from burning railcars’ worth of coal ?

Greenhouse gas emissions avoided by recycling tons of waste instead of sending it to the landfill ?

Annual CO2 emissions of coal fired power plants ?

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