James Hansen is EarthSky Scientist Communicator of the Year

Dr. James Hansen, an outspoken authority on climate change, has been selected as EarthSky Scientist Communicator of the Year. EarthSky asked its 600+ Global Science Advisors to nominate and vote on which scientist had best communicated with the public about vital science issues or concepts during 2008. Listen to Dr. Hansen in the 8-minute EarthSky Clear Voices for Science podcast, James Hansen on why scientists should speak out.

Fish exposed to antidepressants in the wild

Antidepressants may benefit people, but they’re not much help to fish. That’s according to Melissa Schultz, an environmental chemist. Hear Schultz talk about how medications we excrete and flush down the toilet are winding up in rivers, possibly harming wildlife.


Ilan Koren on smoke and clouds over the Amazon

In this 8 minute EarthSky Clear Voices for Science podcast, atmospheric scientist llan Koren talks about how smoke over the Amazon affects not only the immediate forest, but also global climate because of its dramatic impact on Earth’s clouds.

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Astronomer says she was a "why?" kid

Hear astrophysicist Orsola De Marco talk about her early experiments with umbrellas, and her inklings that she wanted to be a scientist.

HIV/AIDS impacts the environment in South Africa

Population scientist Lori Hunter talks about some of the broad impacts of the HIV epidemic in South Africa, including a possibly unsustainable reliance on local resources.

Human and natural systems are “coupled”

Biologist Robert Waide talks with EarthSky about how humans and nature are linked together. Dr. Waide is executive director of the Long Term Ecological Research Network Office.

Rainbow spectra offer clues about cosmos

Orsola De Marco, an astrophysicist at the American Museum of Natural History, studies the light of stars split into a rainbow of colors – what astronomers commonly refer to as a ‘spectrum.’

Climate change to prompt migration...specifics unknown

Alex deSherbinin of Columbia University talks about the potential impacts of climate change on humans. Scientists believe climate change may force people in environmentally stressed regions to migrate.

Mystery ocean dead zones in Pacific

Marine biologist Jane Lubchenco describes the ocean dead zones off the northwest U.S. coast as “virtual wastelands of dead crabs, dead worms, dead anemones, just littering the sea floor.” Though most ocean dead zones are caused by pollution from fertilizer runoff, Lubchenco said, this case appears to be different. She suspects the culprit may be changes in coastal winds due to climate change.

Undersea gliders monitor Atlantic currents

David Smeed of the National Oceanography Center in England talks about recently launched robot gliders that are monitoring a system of currents, known as the ‘Atlantic heat conveyor,’ which influences European climate.


EarthSky Blogs

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It's the holiday season and cyber messages are more clever than ever. Here is a great electronic greeting clip produced by Bikini and AKQA.film, […]

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