4 Teachers Tools
  Enhancing Research Skills for Student Achievement
NoteStar is an Internet utility to assist in the preparation of research papers. Teachers and students can set up research projects with topics and sub-topics. Students may then take advantage of NoteStar's many features to collect and organize their notes and prepare their bibliography page.
NoteCard Button Setup
Before you begin, you need to set up a NoteCard button on your browser by dragging this button to the Links, Favorites, or Bookmarks toolbar of your browser:
NoteCard Drag this to the appropriate toolbar in your browser. Help
What students can do:
•  Create sub-topics for research topics
•  Assign topics to group members
•  Take notes
•  Easily track source information
•  Organize notes and sources to create printable notes and bibliography
Students, get started >
What teachers can do:
•  Create, assign, and manage projects
•  Check sources for authenticity
•  Track each group's progress
•  Send messages to students
•  Help students organize their notes
Teachers, get started >
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Student Login
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