Statement from U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings on the Class of 2006 ACT Scores

August 16, 2006
Contact: Katherine McLane, Samara Yudof
(202) 401-1576

Secretary Spellings today made the following statement on the Class of 2006 ACT scores:

"Today's ACT results show a nation that is on the right track and moving forward, but far too slowly for the 21st century. The increase in the ACT composite score—the largest in 20 years—reflects the progress our schools have made in raising standards and improving accountability. Gains were made by male and female students and across nearly every racial and ethnic group. A record number of test-takers, including a nearly 30 percent increase in Hispanic students since 2002, is another heartening sign that we are leaving fewer children behind.

"Unfortunately, less than half of all test-takers met the College Readiness Benchmark in math; for science, the number was one in four. This is too low. The ACT findings clearly point to the need for high schools to require a rigorous, four-year core curriculum and offer advanced coursework so that our graduates are prepared to compete and succeed in both college and the workforce."



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Last Modified: 08/16/2006