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Innovations Awards Programs
This database provides access to hundreds of award-winning government innovations recognized by the partner programs established by the Ford Foundation in 10 countries and regions worldwide. Each award example provides a description of the innovation and contact information for the program; many also include multimedia, related research, and case study information.

Awardsby Year
by US Location
by Global Location
by Topic/Theme*
* Items marked with an asterisk in the drop-down list correspond to the global themes on the left.

Innovations in American Government Awards Program

The Innovations in American Government Awards Program is a significant force in recognizing and promoting excellence and creativity in the public sector. Through its annual awards competition, the Program provides concrete evidence that government can work to improve the quality of life for citizens and that it deserves greater public trust. By highlighting exemplary models of governments’ innovative performance, the Program serves as a catalyst for continued progress in addressing the nation’s most pressing public concerns.

Liaison Group for Innovations in Governance and Public Action

Through support from the Ford Foundation and contributions by the individual programs, the Liaison Group for Innovations in Governance and Public Action was established in 2002 as a means to enhance the collaboration among the programs for shared learning and global dissemination of our individual and collective knowledge and experiences. Liaison group activities include workshops, research, and publications.

The group consists of the following partner programs:

While each of these initiatives is adapting the innovations approach to local concerns and priorities, they all share a strong allegiance to the core idea that government can be improved through the identification and dissemination of examples of effective solutions to public sector problems.

The Liaison Group is convened by Peter Spink (Spink@fgvsp.br), director of Gestão Publica e Cidadania (Public Management and Citizenship) Program at the Getulio Vargas Foundation in São Paulo, Brazil. Jacqueline I. Machado Brigagão (Jacqueline.Brigagao@fgv.br) manages the Liaison Group and is the administrator of the Public Management and Citizenship Program.


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