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Topic - Environment and Natural Resources

This page summarizes Government Innovators Network content about Environment and Natural Resources.

This section details innovations and issues in the fields of air quality, climate change, ecosystems energy resources, environmental education, environmental ethics, environmental health, environmental regulation, growth management, hazardous and solid waste, land resources, recycling and water resources.

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Related Awards
Eskom EduPlant (77%)
Impumelelo Innovations Award Trust
April 5, 2005
Solid Waste and Energy Management (75%)
Innovations in American Government Awards
Umatilla Basin Salmon Recovery Project (74%)
Honoring Contributions in the Governance of American Indian Nations in the United States
April 20, 2005
Cape Flats Nature (72%)
Impumelelo Innovations Award Trust
Program for Agro-Environmental Management in Micro-Basins of the Jiquiri (70%)
The Public Management and Citizenship Programme in Brazil
June 15, 2005
Intermunicipal Initiative for Integrated Management of the Ayuquila River Basin (66%)
The Local Government and Management Award in Mexico
Move Information, Not Property (66%)
Innovations in American Government Awards

Most Relevant News
Click here to read Innovators Insights, a bi-weekly roundup of news compiled by Government Innovators Network® editors

Most Relevant Documents
Bolstering Private Environmental Management (100%)
Cary Coglianese, Jennifer Nash
Center for Business and Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government
April 29, 2004
National Environmental Policy During the Clinton Years (100%)
Sheila Cavanagh, Robert Hahn, Robert Stavins
Center for Business and Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government
April 29, 2004
Some Realities about Sprawl and Urban Decline (100%)
Anthony Downs
Fannie Mae Foundation
January 1, 1999
Survey of Recent Innovations in Energy Policy (95%)
Staff of the Government Innovators Network
Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation
November 1, 2005
Environmental Regulation During the 1990s: A Retrospective Analysis (93%)
Robert W. Hahn, Sheila M. Olmstead, Robert N. Stavins
Center for Business and Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government
Integrating Large Amounts of Wind Energy with a Small Electric-Power System. (86%)
Eric Hirst, Jeffrey Hild
Harvard Electricity Policy Group, John F. Kennedy School of Government
August 28, 2004
Transit Supportive Home Loans: Theory, Application, and Prospects for Smart Growth (86%)
Kevin J. Krizek
Fannie Mae Foundation
January 1, 2003

Related Multimedia
Important Web Resources in Conservation Finance (22%)

Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events related to Environment and Natural Resources at this time. If you know of one, please add it to the calendar!



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