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SCSRPC Coordinator
Thomas H. Terrill
Fort Valley State Univ, GA

SCSRPC Participants
Gareth F. Bath

South Africa
Joan M. Burke

USDA, ARS, Booneville, AR
Linda Coffey
NCAT, ATTRA, Fayetteville, AR
Will R. Getz
Fort Valley State Univ, GA
Margo Hale
NCAT, ATTRA, Fayetteville, AR
Steve Hart
Langston Univ, OK
Sue Howell
University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Dahlia Jackson
Delaware State Univ., CARS
Ray M. Kaplan
Univ of Georgia
Jean-Marie Luginbuhl
North Carolina State Univ
James E. Miller
Louisiana State Univ
Byeng R. Min
Texas A&M Univ
Seyedmehdi Mobini
Fort Valley State Univ, GA
Jorge Mosjidis
Auburn Univ, AL
Jim Muir

Texas A&M
Bob Storey
Univ of Georgia
Thomas H. Terrill

Fort Valley State Univ, GA
Elide Valencia

Univ of Puerto Rico
Jan A. Van Wyk
South Africa
Adriano Vatta
Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute -South Africa
Stuart Weiss
Univ of Virgin Islands
Niki Whitley
North Carolina A&T State Univ
Stephan Wildeus
Virginia State Univ
Lisa H. Williamson
Univ of Georgia
Anne Zajac

Virginia Tech


Contact Us


Website questions or comments?  Contact admin@scsrpc.org.


Niki Whitley (nwhitley@scsrpc.org)                   



Extension Animal Science Specialist/Adjunct Associate Professor


North Carolina A&T State University


PO Box 21928
Greensboro, NC. 27420

Professional Experience

See CV

Current Research Interests

Small ruminant parasite control methods, especially natural methods (such as plants/forages/supplements), and their possible impact on meat quality and taste.

Breeding for parasite resistance and determining possible genetic controls of parasite resistance in small ruminants.

Reproduction in goats and sheep.

Recent Publications (since 2005)

Peer-reviewed manuscript publications:
Whitley, N.C., D. Cazac, B. Rude, D. Jackson-O’Brien, and S. Parveen. 2008  Use of a commercial probiotic supplement in meat goats.   (IN PRESS 2008) available online: doi jas.2008-1031v1-20081031

Quinn, R.W. A. O. Burk, T. G. Hartsock, N.C. Whitley, D. L. Keisler, K. H. Treiber and R.C. Boston. 2008.  Effects of weight gain on glucose and insulin dynamics, leptin and measure of oxidative stress in Thoroughbred geldings. J. Equine Vet. Sci.  (IN PRESS)

Hagens, B.E. C.W. Dunaway, N. C. Whitley, and B. J. Rude. 2008.  The effects of cracking whole cottonseed on apparent nutrient digestibilities, N and energy retention, and in vitro dry matter disappearance when fed to goats.  (Submitted 2008)

Whitley, N.C., E. L. McFadin-Walker, S. A. Harley and D. H. Keisler.  2005.  Correlation between blood and milk serum leptin in goats and growth of their offspring.  J. Anim. Sci. 83:1854-1859.

Jackson D. J., C.M. Fletcher, D.H. Keisler, and N. C. Whitley.  2005.  The use of melengestrol acetate (MGA) or kid removal during the non-breeding season or postpartum period in meat goats.  Sm. Rum. Res. 66:253-257.

Jackson, D.J.,  B.J. Rude,  K. K. Karanja, and N.C. Whitley.  2005.  Poultry litter pellets in meat goat diets.  Sm. Rum. Res. 66:278-281.

Abstract publications:
N.C. Whitley, T. H. Terrill, J. E. Miller, J. M. Burke and M.C. Gooden.  2008.  Influence of sericea lespedeza pellets on gastrointestinal parasite fecal egg counts in goats.  J. Anim. Sci. 86:in press.

J. L. Eierman, R. A. Barczewski, N.C. Whitley and D. J. Jackson.  2008.  Effectiveness of Regumate in synchronizing and inducting out-of-season breeding in goats.   J. Anim. Sci. 86 (Suppl 2): 30.

D. J. Jackson, N.C. Whitley, V. Suvanich and J. G. Schwarz.  2007.  Feeding regime and breed effects on nutritional and sensory characteristics of meat from Katahdin crossbred lambs. J. Anim. Sci.  85(Suppl 2):36.

D. J. Jackson, R. Subburathinam, C. R. Barb, and  N.C. Whitley.  2007.  Influence of urocortin on luteinizing hormone (LH) release from porcine pituitary cells. J. Anim. Sci.  85(Suppl 2):20.

N.C. Whitley, P.R. Ryan, B. J. Rude, D. Cazac, K. W. Necaise, S. J. Barber and A. N. Musslewhite.  2007.  Short term probiotic supplmentation of weaned foals.  J. Anim. Sci.  85(Suppl 2):23.

P.L. Ryan, B.J. Rude, K. Moulton, K.W. Necaise, S.J. Barber, D.L. Christiansen, F. K. Walters, S. D. Bowers, and N.C. Whitley.  2007.  Effects of an endotoxin challenge test on physiological responses in weaned foals supplemented with probiotics. J. Anim. Sci. 85 (Suppl 2): 23.

N.C. Whitley, J.E. Miller, J. M. Burke, D. Cazac, R. Subburathinam and L. Dykes.  2007.  Influence of high tannin grain sorghum on gastrointestinal nematode infectin (GIN) in goats. J. Anim. Sci.  85(Suppl 2):33.

D. J. Jackson, N.C. Whitley, J. W. Lemaster, and S. Schoenian.  2007.  Nutritional and breed effects on carcass traits of Katahdin crossbred lambs. J. Anim. Sci.  85(Suppl 2):35.

D. Cazac, N.C. Whitley, D. J. Jackson and B. J. Rude.  2007.  Feedlot performance and digestibility of diets in meat goats supplemented with probiotics. J. Anim. Sci.  85(Suppl 2):35.

N.C. Whitley, D. J. Jackson, D. Cazac, J. E. Miller, J. M. Burke and S. Schoenian.  2007.  Pasture-raised Katahdin and Katahdin crossbred lambs:  growth and parasite resistance.  J. Anim. Sci.  85(Suppl 2):34.

B. Hagens, N. Whitley and B. Rude.  2006.  The effects of whole cottonseed on apparent nutrient digestabilities and N retention when fed to goats.  J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 84(Suppl. 2):12.

B.L. Sayre, G. Harris, J. Dzakuma, S. Samake, N. Whitley, and Z. Wang.  2006.  Generation and annotation of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) for the goat. J. Anim. Sci. 84 (Suppl. 1):390.

D. Cazac and N.C. Whitley.  2006.  Use of Probiotics in Meat Goats:  Growth and Carcass Traits.  ARD. 14th Biannual research symposium proceedings, p. 233. First place graduate student poster competition.

D. J. Jackson and N.C. Whitley.  2006.  The Influence of Sire Breed on Nutritional and Fatty Acid Composition of Lamb Loin Chops. ARD. 14th Biannual research symposium proceedings, p. 233-234.

D. J. Jackson, N.C. Whitley, J.W. Lemaster and S. Schoenian.  2005. Growth and parasite resistance of pasture-raised purebred Katahdin and Katahdin crossbred lambs.  J. Anim. Sci. 83 (Suppl. 1):64.

D.J. Jackson, N.C. Whitley, J.W. Lemaster and S. Schoenian.  2005.  Carcass traits and meat quality of pasture-raised Dorper-, Texel-, and Suffolk-sired Katahdin crossbred lambs.  J. Anim. Sci. 83 (Suppl. 1):16.

D. J. Jackson, N.C. Whitley, J. W. Lemaster, C. M. Fletcher and S. Schoenian.  2004.  Growth and parasite resistance of pasture-raised Dorper-, Texel-, and Suffolk-sired Katahdin crossbred lambs.  J. Anim. Sci.  82 (Suppl. 2):27.


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