The Iowa Soybean Association (ISA) board of directors has issued a challenge to fellow Iowans to join the fight against malnutrition and hunger, in the U.S. and across the globe, by introducing a new ISA initiative titled "Acres of Giving: Harvest an Acre, Feed the World."

The ISA board, comprised of 21 farmer leaders, is challenging Iowans to donate the equivalent of 10,000 acres of soybeans in the coming year. With soybeans valued at approximately $400 per acre, the goal is to raise $4 million, with proceeds going to the World Soy Foundation and the Soy for Life Foundation.

The Soy for Life Foundation funds research to further the many health benefits of soy. The foundation also funds programs to reach malnourished, under-served and hungry populations in the United States, as well as developing progrms to further educate consumer, food industry professionals and the media on soy protein usage. For more information about the Soy for Life Foundation, call 1-866-431-9814.

The World Soy Foundation was founded by U.S. soybean farmers and works collaboratively with humanitarian organizations, corporations, public and private foundations, international organizations, U.S. and international governments and individuals to deliver soy protein and nutrition education to people in developing nations. To learn more about the World Soy Foundation, visit

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