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Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center

U.S. Forest Service - Southern Research Station - Asheville, North Carolina
Home » Climate Change
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Climate Change

Climatic changes and severe weather conditions can be responsible for forest devastation and are major driving forces behind wildfire, insect, and disease outbreaks. Hurricanes, floods, drought, wind storms--all impact ecosystem conditions.

Hurricane damageScientists are currently searching for ways to better understand the environmental impact of various weather systems. Questions to be answered include: How will climate changes influence the structure, function, and productivity of forests? How will forests respond to atmospheric changes? What are the implications for forest management to sustain forest productivity, health, and diversity in the face of severe weather patterns?

Current projects related to climate change

Other resources and publications:

US Forest Service Climate Change website

USDA Global Change Program Office

Southern Global Change Program

Northern Global Change Research Program

US Forest Service Climate Change Resource Center

Encyclopedia of Environmental Threats

What do forests have to do with global climate change?

Climate Change and Events research

Northern Institute of Applied Carbon Science

Ecosystem Services - Carbon Sequestration

National Agroforestry Center - Working Trees for Carbon Cycle Balance

Regional Climate Centers

National Water and Climate Center

National Weather Service

National Weather Hazards

Climate Change Atlas


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