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The Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) has five strategic initiatives that were developed and relate directly to critical issues at the state, regional, national and international levels in agriculture and natural resources. These initiatives are:

Biotechnology/Life Sciences

AES scientists are working to develop new animal, plant and microbial products, value-added commodities and pest and diseases resistant plant strains to decrease chemical use. The MOAES is providing information to broaden the knowledge base of genetics, the life processes of plants, animals, and microorganisms, and the interactions of life forms.

Natural Resources

AES is striving to maintain the quality of water, soil and air by identifying and applying management principles and a systems approach for the use and protection of natural resources. Faculty and staff are also assessing the implications of public policies on our natural resources and environment. Focus areas are water quality, watershed management and animal waste management.

Economic and Social Development

AES is moving to improve economic and social development by designing strategies for profitable technologies and systems, market development, new decision-making models and by building support services for family stability and community development. Focus areas are new general cooperatives, value-added agriculture and international marketing.

Food Production and Nutrition

AES is improving plants and livestock and developing systems for processing, handling and storage of foods for a more efficient and safer supply. Focus areas are plant biology, genetics, and breeding, animal nutrition and reproduction, and food quality and safety.

Integrated Crop Management

AES is developing ways to minimize economic, health and environmental risks and increase profitability by developing sustainable systems for crop and livestock production, with key elements being integrated pest management and precision agriculture.