American Pastured Poultry Producers Association




For Producers

For Consumers

Upcoming Events


APPPA Network



PO Box 87
Boyd, WI 54726

888-66-APPPA (2-7772)

Join APPPA Today!

Join Online

APPPA now offers online member signup and renewal, using the secure PayPal system. You will need a valid credit card to renew online, just click on the button at the membership level you would like.

Join by Mail

Print out a membership form and mail it with a check or money order made out to "APPPA" at:


PO Box 87
Boyd, WI 54726


Donate to APPPA

If you would like to make a contribution online, use the button below:

Levels of Membership

APPPA has three membership levels: Producer Plus, Basic, and Business. Descriptions for each are below. If you wish to upgrade your membership, please just renew at the new level.

Producer Plus Membership

Producer Plus Membership in APPPA brings you:
  • Access to producers, products and current information on pasturing poultry
  • Admission to our annual meeting with workshops on the latest information on pastured poultry issues
  • Support of member field days and event information tables
  • Subscription to GRIT!, our newsletter that is published four times per year. GRIT! contains up-to-date information on current activities in the pastured poultry industry.
  • Listing on the APPPA network listing and producer web page
  • Membership in our Producer Plus list-serve, currently with over 100 experienced pastured poultry producers sharing their ideas and innovations
  • Access to the APPPA Producer Plus website, where you can download back issues of our newsletter, pastured poultry sales brochures and detailed nutrition information (or we can send you copies!).
  • Additional web based services will be continually added to the Producer Plus membership as they are made available on the APPPA website.

The Producer Plus membership is available for $60 per year.

Basic Membership

Basic membership in APPPA brings you:

  • Access to producers, products and current information on pasturing poultry
  • Admission to our annual meeting with workshops on the latest information on pastured poultry issues
  • Support of member field days and event information tables
  • Subscription to GRIT!, our newsletter that is published four times per year. GRIT! contains up-to-date information on current activities in the pastured poultry industry.
  • Listing on the APPPA network listing and producer web page

Basic membership is available for $40 per year.

Business Membership

The Business Partner membership is for those businesses who provide services to the pastured poultry industry and would like to be involved in APPPA.

  • Free quarter-page advertising in four issues of the APPPA Grit! and reduced rates for larger ads
  • Online listing on our website
  • Representation at trade shows and conferences via APPPA's displays and handouts
  • All the offerings of a producer plus membership

The Business Membership is available for $200 per year. Please contact the APPPA office if you are interested in a business membership.