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Benefits for Farmers
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Meet Jo Robinson
How to Donate


The Thermapen


"Best Meat Thermometer Ever!"





Contact Information

Want to puchase meat, eggs or dairy products? Go to our Pastured Products Directory, click on your state, then contact the farms or ranches directly using the phone numbers or e-mail addresses provided in their individual listings. Eatwild provides a place where producers who raise grassfed animals according to our criteria can advertise their products—we do not raise or sell any animals or animal products ourselves.

Have questions about how to raise or feed farm animals? Please go to the Eatwild Bookstore for books on farming and also consider subscribing to the Stockman GrassFarmer. We do not have the expertise to provide most specific information about raising livestock.

Are you a member of the media?
E-mail Jo Robinson or call (866) 453-8489, Monday - Friday, Pacific Time.

Want to become a listed supplier on, or are you already a supplier and want to update your listing? Go to

Have compliments or complaints about an Eatwild supplier that you feel we should know about? Please send us an e-mail.

Have questions about ordering books or kitchen tools from the Eatwild Store?

1-866-453-8489  Toll-Free (US Only)
1-253-759-2318  From outside US (Sorry, not toll-free)
1-253-759-2318  Fax

Or E-mail The Store for Healthy Living/Eatwild Store

Eatwild Store Mailing Address
PO Box 7321
Tacoma, WA  98417

Eatwild Store Shipping Address
2401 N Cedar Street
Tacoma, WA  98406

Do you want to contact Jo Robinson about future presentations or information for your organization or publication?
E-mail Jo Robinson

Do you need Jo Robinson's Mailing address?
Jo Robinson
9609 SW 288th Street
Vashon WA 98070

Want to report broken links or incorrect information on the Eatwild website?
E-mail the Webmaster


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