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We can help you connect with your local food system, just send Bob an e-mail with your request and we will try to help as best we can!

Also, see other Tools for Action including campaign materials for farming advocates and our toolkits.

There are many reasons to buy locally grown food

You'll get exceptional taste and freshness, strengthen your local economy, support endangered family farms, safeguard your family's health, and protect the environment.


The Newest Way to Celebrate Local Food Year Round - Canning Swaps!
January 2009
At FoodRoutes, we're fortunate enough to hear a lot of inspiring stories about the work being done in communities across ...

Buy Fresh Buy Local® Minnesota celebrates Local Food with "Dine Fresh Dine Local" Event!
October 2008
On September 11th, eighteen restaurants in the St. Croix River Valley region of Minnesota took part in a culinary ...

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Holiday Local and Organic Food Challenge!
Eat Well Guide - Dec 20, 2008
With the holidays right around the corner and a bountiful harvest of local produce to be found at farmers' markets and stores around the country. Eat Well Guide have teamed up with Consumers Union to challenge folks to incorporate at least one local or organic ingredient into a dish for their holiday feast.
Check out FoodRoutes new partner Eat Well Guide for more info. (more...)

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Pledge to spend $10/week or more on locally produced food! By signing up in 2008, you'll be entered to win a gift box from one of our fabulous local farms and a CD from FoodRoutes' partner critically acclaimed artist Adrienne Young and her band, Little Sadie. Spending just $10 a week on local food can have a significant impact on your local economy and for family farmers in your region.

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