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Other Helpful Resources

Apartment and Home Rentals Home, Inc. (Polk County, Iowa only) 515-243-1277
Attorney General Offices’ web sites National Association of Attorneys General  
Banks Iowa Division of Banking 515-281-4014
Charities BBB Wise Giving Alliance 703-276-0100
Consumer Brochures & Information Federal Trade Commission 888-382-1222
Credit Cards (national banks only) U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) 800-613-6743
Cyber crime, counterfeit check scams, Money transfers, "Nigerian" scams Internet Crime Complaint Center (FBI & National White Collar Crime Center) NO PHONE NUMBER
Divorces, Wills, Custodial Issues Lawyer Referral Service 800-532-1108
Do Not Call List Federal Trade Commission 888-382-1222
Drivers License, Auto Titles Iowa Department of Transportation 866-908-4636
Employment Issues Iowa Workforce Development 515-281-5387
Funerals and Cemeteries Iowa Division of Securities 515-281-4441
Government – complaints against local/county governments or officials and state agencies or officials Iowa Ombudsman 515-281-3592
Insurance Iowa Insurance Division 515-281-5705
Investments Iowa Insurance Division 515-281-5705
Iowa laws, legislators and legislative proposals Iowa General Assembly Iowa Senate 515-281-3371

Iowa House 515-281-3221
Landlord-Tenant Complaints Home, Inc. (Polk County, Iowa only) 515-243-1277
Lawyers - Help Finding a Private Attorney Iowa State Bar Association 515- 243-3179
Lawyers - Complaints Against Attorneys Iowa Supreme Court 515-725-8017
Older Iowans Resources Iowa Department of Elder Affairs 515-725-3333
  Iowa Legal Aid 800-532-1275
  Legal Hotline for Older Iowans 515-243-2151
Nursing Homes and Elder Housing Iowa Department of Inspections & Appeals 515-281-3642
Product Defects
Consumer Product Safety Commission 800-638-2772
Real Estate Real Estate Commission 515-281-3183
Social Security Social Security Administration 515-284-3921
Telecommunications, phones, satellite and cable Federal Communications Commission 888-225-5322
Telephone & Long Distance Iowa Utilities Board 515-281-3839
Vehicle Defects National Highway Traffic Safety 800-424-9393