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This is a report on the findings from the analyses of data collected during the first followup (Followup 1) of the Trichloroethylene (TCE) Subregistry, one of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) subregistries of the National Exposure Registry (NER). The NER was created and is being maintained by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR).

The policies and procedures proposed for the NER were published in 1988 and revised in 1994. The revised policies and procedures in the National Exposure Registry Policies and Procedures Manual (Revised) (4) describes all policies, procedures, and operational details pertinent to establishing the NER. The TCE Subregistry was the first subregistry to be established as part of the NER program. The rationale for the selection of TCE as the primary chemical for a subregistry is documented in the TCE Baseline Report (1). Other substances for which subregistries have been or are being established are the VOCs 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA) and benzene, dioxins (2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin), chromium, and radioactive substances (iodine-131).

In keeping with NER goals, the objectives of the follow-up of the TCE Subregistry population are to compare health indicators of the TCE Subregistry population and those of an appropriate comparison population and to document longitudinal changes in health indicators from Baseline. This report represents the second of a set in ongoing reports and publications that summarize the latest TCE Subregistry findings. This report is a supplement to the TCE Subregistry Baseline technical report (1) and provides an overview of the characteristics and health status of registrants who took part in the TCE Subregistry Followup 1. Section 2 provides descriptive and summary information on registrant data and summary demographic data for the registrants. Section 3 includes comparisons with national norms; the TCE Subregistry Followup 1 reporting rates of adverse health outcomes are compared with national survey data files. A summary of the results of the Baseline data analyses is also presented and the Baseline and Followup 1 results are compared. Section 4 summarizes the findings of this report and discusses future activities. This report, along with the Baseline report, highlights some health outcomes and predictive variables that should be considered for future TCE-related epidemiologic or health studies.