E de la Garza Institute for Goat Research Langston University
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Prairie View A&M University

Collaborator: Dr. Jackson Dzakuma

  • Postdoctoral training (Systems Analysis of Breeding Systems at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN)
  • Ph.D. (Animal Breeding and Genetics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK),
  • M.S. (Animal Science, University of Nebraska-Lincoln),
  • B.S., ((Hons) Agriculture, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana).

Current Position: Research Leader for Caprine Programs, International Goat Research Center, Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX.

Current Responsibilities: Provide leadership in the breeding and management of the PVAMU goat research program; providing statistical leadership; administration of research grants, and supervision of personnel at the International Goat Research Center.

The University: Prairie View A&M University is Located in Waller county, TX. The county's estimated population in 1991 was 24,349. The per capita personal income level for Waller county was $11,972 in 1988 with a statewide average of $14,590. The county seat of Waller is Hempstead and the next most significant city is Prairie View. The county race/ethnic distribution in 1990 is estimated by the Census Bureau to be: White(51.1%), Black(37.4%), Hispanic(11.1%) and Other(0.4%). Texas statewide distribution for the same races, respectively, are: 60.6%, 11.6%, 25.6% and 2.2%.

The Cooperative Agricultural Research Center (CARC) is the organizational unit at PVAMU with assigned administrative and management responsibility for research in food and agricultural sciences. Research in CARC is organized and structured under these major program components: (a) Animal Systems; (b) Food Systems; (c) Plant and Environmental Systems; and, (d) Socioeconomic and Family Systems. Long term goals for the Animal Systems Program are to conduct research on dairy goats and meat goats, and foster cooperative research with other 1890 Universities. The International Goat Research Center is a center within a center and responsible for the goat program. The IGRC's target service area includes the Texas Gulf Coast Region, and the rapidly growing residential and commercial area known as the Northwest Houston Corridor. It is located on the Farm Gate to the Consumer area (Houston) and serves urban Texas centers.

email address: Jackson_Dzakuma@pvamu.edu

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