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Friday, January 16, 2009 -- 07:56 AM e.s.t.

God Bless America!
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Easter Holiday Listing Form

   Roman Easter and Greek Easter will be April 8, 2007. Each Easter, we compile a list of lambs and goat kids for sale. To post your entry in our Easter list, please fill out the form below. The information will be posted in the Market Inquiries secton under the "Easter Holiday Listing" menu item. Make separate entries for suckling lambs and kids versus larger market animals and cull breeding stock. If you list your kids or lambs as market animals rather than sucklings, it is generally assumed that they are weaned. Producers with only a few Easter animals may want to group together with another producer to list one bigger group.

Fill out the form and hit the Submit button to automatically add your info to the database. Follow up the mailing with phone calls to buyers to whom you are most interested in selling. Many of these buyers are located in our Marketing Directory.

Contact Name:
Street Address:
Phone number:
Email address:
Comments: (Please include a brief, general description of your farm location for potential buyers. For example, 20 miles W of Lewisburg, PA). You can put additional information here too.
Animal Species:
(Choose only one per entry.)
Animal Breed: (for the species you chose above.)
Market Animal Type: (Choose only one per entry.)
Number for sale:
Estimated Age/Weight at Easter: ( Please estimate the average age and weight of your animals for each Easter holiday you are interested in. NOTE: Roman Easter and Greek Easter are both on April 8, 2007, so your info should be the same for both holidays this year.)
Age on Roman Easter: weight:
  Age on Greek Easter: weight:

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