Click here for available support materials for producers interested in calling on retailers including:
  • guidelines for calling on retailers
  • pork cooking times and temperatures
  • storing and defrosting pork FAQs
  • pork cuts basics
  • Niche Pork terminology poster and handout
  • link to recipes
Materials can be customized with your farm identity, your retailer's identity, or used as is.

Missouri Meat is "Made Well"

Steve Madewell’s name says it all: his meat truly is made well. This Missouri niche pork producer focuses on quality pork grown the old-fashioned way on his family farm. ...more

Producer Feature Archive






Go Whole Hog for Local - December 2008

Hot New Cuts

Understanding Local from a Consumer Perspective - The Hartman Group, May 2008

Sustainability from a Consumer Perspective - The Hartman Group, Fall 2007

Loco for Local - Progressive Grocer, April 1, 2008

They Know Meat - Progressive Grocer, April 1, 2008

Organic Meat Sales Show Huge Gains -, November 14, 2007

Americans Like Hamburgers, Locally Grown, and Convenience foods Poll -, November 8, 2007

Berkshire Breaks Through - February 2006 issue of MeatingPlace

Hot Topics Archive

July 2008 Niche Newsletter

Newsletter Archive

Copyright National Pork Board, Des Moines, IA USA. This message funded by America's Pork Checkoff Program.
Privacy Policy - Producers: Click here to view your checkoff responsibilities or call (515) 223-2617