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Charities/Ethical Inv.


Charities/Ethical Investment Updated July 2004  Email me:

Trocaire is a Catholic Church-founded aid agency. It is currently running a campaign highlighting the enslavement of 20 million bonded labourers’ world-wide. Look at its Press pages for information on a wide range of world issues including appropriate rural development . www.trocaire.org

Survival for Tribal Peoples, as the name suggests, lobbies to protect indigenous people in their ancestral lands. www.survival-international.org 

Landmines. Heather Mills has done enormously good charity work in the area of clearing minefields and supplying artificial limbs to amputees. For more information including a video go to www.landmines.org.uk. Email, info@landmines.org.uk or tel. 020 7265 4945.

Oxfam America, very good on sustainable development, did a recent report on Cuba (August 2001). It can be downloaded in full (pdf) from their site; www.oxfamamerica.org . Email info@oxfamamerica.org and press office; asmith@oxfamamerica.org

War on Want, founded in 1951 by Labour politician, Harold Wilson and publisher, Victor Gollancz, campaigns against the root causes of poverty. "The need is for solidarity, not charity; for a hand-up not a hand-out". Initiated the campaign against dried powder baby’s milk. Advocates the Tobin Tax on currency trading (0.25% levy on turn-over) which could yield $250 billion for aid - five times the present total. www.waronwant.org

Land Heritage Trust (UK) promotes the advantages of organic food and farming, acquires land through bequests and rents to suitable family tenants. Its booklet style Manifesto is an elegant introduction to the history and present state of farming. Publishes other booklets too supporting organic farming. www.landheritage.org

ITDG uses the ideas and technology of intermediate or appropriate technology e.g. a steel-shod plough hauled by a donkey in Sudan as against previous hand-work, to improve people’s ability to feed themselves. Donations to ITDG, The Schumacher Centre for Technology and Development, Bourton-on-Dunsmore, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV 23 9QZ . www.itdg.org.uk   Email; news@itdg.org.uk 

Concern is a secular, Irish-based agency working to "eliminate poverty in least-developed countries". Has created Alliance 2015 with European partners to focus their efforts. E-contacts; info@concern.net  and www.concern.net 

www.thehungersite.com One-click donations to a very worthy cause.

Goal is an Irish third world aid organisation based in Dublin which can be contacted by phone; 01 2809779 and email; goal@indigo.ie

Oxfam is dedicated to fight poverty and related injustice. Aims to achieve sustainable livelihood for impoverished farmers. www.oxfam.org 

Christian Aid campaigns against patenting of natural plants, GM food and fights to establish food security. www.christianaid.org.uk 

Sustain: The alliance for better food and farming (formerly the National Food Alliance and the Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Environment (SAFE) Alliance) advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity. They  represent over 100 national public interest organisations working at international, national, regional and local level. Also publish quarterly magazine, Digest. www.sustainweb.org

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. One might not agree with everything it does e.g supporting vaccination, and indirectly, GM technology as a global hunger solution, but through its huge budget does an enormous amount of good too. www.gatesfoundation.com  

Ethical Investment

Ethical Financial, Ireland. Email: ethicalfinancial@broker.assurelink.ie
The Ethical Investment Co-Operative, email; greeninvest@gn.apc.org.

www.ecology.co.uk The Ecology Building Society.

Kingswood Consultants UK, whose logo is "Profit with a conscience" can be contacted at www.kingswoodconsultants.com  

Triodos Bank. Europe's leading ethical bank, " delivering social and environmental benefits" now has an Irish representative, Kieron Brennan. He can be contacted by email: kieron.brennan@triodos.ie  and by mobile, 086 8399358. www.triodos.ie 

Ethical Investors Group, can be phoned at 01242 604550.

Barchester Green (UK) are specialists in ethical investment. Tel. 01722 331241.

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