Photographs from the Records of the National Woman's Party

Brief Timeline of the National Woman's Party


 For more information on these and other NWP-related events, including links to additional images, see the Detailed Chronology (PDF).*


Dec. - Alice Paul appointed chairman of NAWSA’s Congressional Committee at 1912 NAWSA convention.


Mar. 3 - Massive national suffrage parade, held in Washington, D.C., led by Inez Milholland Boissevain.

Women carrying signs in a suffrage parade
descriptive record icon enlarge image icon  Women begin to assemble for the first national suffrage parade, Washington, D.C. Harris & Ewing. March 3, 1913.

Mar. 17 - Alice Paul heads suffrage delegation to President Woodrow Wilson.

Apr. - Paul founds Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage (CU).

May 14 - Senate Committee on Woman Suffrage votes favorably on federal woman suffrage amendment, first favorable majority report in 23 years.

Summer - CU branches established in various states.

July 31 - After collecting suffrage petitions nationwide, automobile tours convene in Hyattsville, Maryland, and proceed to Washington, D.C. to present petitions to Congress.

A line of automobiles and pedestrians walking by
descriptive record icon enlarge image icon  Automobile procession arriving from Hyattsville, Maryland, to present suffrage petitions to Congress from all parts of the United States. Harris & Ewing. July 31, 1913.

Nov. - Lucy Burns arrested for chalking meeting notices on Washington, D.C., sidewalk.

Nov. 15 - First issue of The Suffragist published.

Dec. 6 - NAWSA leadership urges Alice Paul and Lucy Burns to resign from CU; both refuse. NAWSA selects new Congressional Committee.



Feb. 12 - Alice Paul, Lucy Burns, and Dora Lewis meet with NAWSA in unsuccessful effort to resolve differences. NAWSA later votes against admitting CU as auxiliary member.

Mar. 3 - CU participates in suffrage hearing before House Judiciary Committee.

Mar. 19 - Senate votes for first time since 1887 on federal woman suffrage amendment. Bill defeated but reintroduced next day.

May 2 - Suffrage parades and meetings held in nearly every state.

Women on horseback carrying signs
descriptive record icon enlarge image icon  Women on horseback in suffrage parade, Washington, D.C. Harris & Ewing. May 9, 1914.

May 9 - National suffrage demonstration in Washington, D.C.

June - CU forms National Advisory Council to enlist support of nationally prominent and/or wealthy women.

Sept. 14 - CU organizers leave Washington, D.C., to campaign against Democratic congressional candidates in states where women already enfranchised.

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