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Detailed project information for
Study Plan Number 09033

Branch : Conte Anadromous Fish Laboratory
Study Plan Number : 09033
Study Title : Impact of stream habitat improvement on smolting, maturation and survival of Atlantic salmon
Starting Date : 06/02/1995
Completion Date : 05/31/2001
Principal Investigator(s) : McCormick, Steve
Primary PI : McCormick, Steve
Telephone Number : (413) 863-3804
Email Address :
SIS Number : 5002129
Primary Program Element : Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Second Program Element : Application of Science Information to Management
Status : Completed
Abstract : Recently, enhancement of Atlantic salmon in New England has changed from a strategy of smolt production to a colonization program which stocks fry in tributaries. This change in strategy has placed a greater importance on stream habitat. Atlantic salmon have a very flexible life history pattern and rate of development, which is controlled by environmental variables. Consequently, the rearing environment will regulate important changes in developmental physiology of the animals. There are many areas that will impact on success of the fry stocking program. Areas of interest to this study are parr maturation, overwinter mortality, smolt production and the timing of smolt migration. These three factors are not mutually exclusive as available energy reserves (primarily as lipids) affect developmental patterns in juvenile Atlantic salmon. Parr maturation is believed to directly impair smolt development. The metabolic cost of maturation may also reduce overwinter survival.
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Last Modified: October 21, 2002 dwn
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