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Detailed project information for
Study Plan Number 05006

Branch : Restoration Technologies Branch
Study Plan Number : 05006
Study Title : Fixation of Phosphorus Using Flocs Produced by the Neutralization of Acid Mine Drainage
Starting Date : 10/01/1999
Completion Date : 09/30/2002
Principal Investigator(s) : Sibrell, Philip L.
Primary PI : Sibrell, Philip L.
Telephone Number : (304) 724-4426
Email Address :
SIS Number : 5003865
Primary Program Element : Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Second Program Element : Fish and Aquatic Habitats
Status : Completed
Abstract : Eutrophication is a process whereby excess nutrients are released to a body of water, thereby stimulating growth of aquatic plants. The death and decomposition of this plant material can cause depletion of dissolved oxygen, with harmful effects on aquatic life. In fresh water, phosphorus (P) is usually the limiting nutrient, while in salt water, nitrogen (N) is limiting. To control eutrophication, the EPA has established a recommended limit of 0.05 mg/L for total phosphates in streams that enter lakes and 0.1 mg/L for total P in flowing waters. The discharge of P from point sources, such as industrial discharges and municipal sewage treatment, has decreased with the partial ban on the use of phosphate detergents and with state-imposed P discharge limits from wastewater treatment plants. In many areas, nonpoint sources, such as agricultural runoff from the application of fertilizer and manure, are becoming the predominant source of P.

Acid mine drainage (AMD) is a serious environmental problem in historical mining districts, such as Appalachia and the western U.S. Acid neutralization technology is applicable to these sites, but disposal of the resulting voluminous metal hydroxide sludge is difficult and expensive. The development of beneficial uses for AMD sludge would help offset the cost of disposal and enable scarce funds for acid neutralization to be applied more widely. Most AMD sludges consist mainly of aluminum and iron oxyhydroxides, which are well known for their capacity to remove phosphorus (P) from water. Solubilization and transport of phosphorus (P) to the water environment is a critical environmental issue, as excessive nutrient levels results in eutrophication of receiving water bodies, with undesirable consequences for water quality and aquatic life. Therefore, flocs resulting from neutralizing AMD were tested as a possible low cost amendment to reduce the loss of soluble P from agricultural fields and animal wastewater. Flocs were prepared by neutralizing natural and synthetic solutions of AMD with limestone, lime, ammonium hydroxide, and sodium hydroxide. Phosphorus sequestration was tested in three distinct environments: water, soil, and manure storage basins. In water, flocs prepared from AMD adsorbed 10 to 20 g P kg-1 dry floc in equilibrium with 1 mg L-1 soluble P. Similar results were observed for both Fe-based and Al-based synthetic flocs. A local soil sample adsorbed about 0.1 g P kg-1, about two orders of magnitude less. The AMD-derived flocs were mixed with a high-P soil at a ration of 0.5 to 8% by weight of floc in the soil, followed by water and plant-available P extractions. All flocs performed similarly. About 70% of the water-extractable P was sequestered by the floc when applied at a rate of 2% floc in the soil, whereas plant available P only decreased by about 30%. Under anaerobic conditions simulating manure storage basins, all AMD flocs reduced soluble P by greater than 95% at a rate of 0.2 g floc g-1 rainbow trout manure. These findings indicate that AMD flocs could be an effective agent for preventing soluble P losses from soil and manure to the water environment, while at the same time decreasing the costs associated with treatment of AMD.


Adler, P. R. and P. L. Sibrell. 2003. Sequestration of Phosphorus by Acid Mine Drainage Floc. Journal of Environmental Quality 32:1122-1129.

Sibrell, P. L. and P. R. Adler. 2000. Phosphate Sorption by Base Metal Hydroxides Generated in the Neutralization of Acid Mine Drainage. In Wilde, F.D., Britton, L.J., Miller, C.V., and Kolpin, D.W., comps., Effects of animal feeding operations on water resources and the environment—proceedings of the technical meeting, Fort Collins, Colorado, August 30-September 1, 1999: U.S. Geological Survey Open –File Report 00-204, 107 p.

Adler, P. R. and P. L. Sibrell. 1999. Phosphorus Sequestration Utilizing Acid Mine Drainage Floc in Aerobic and Anaerobic Environments. Abstract published at the 1999 Soil Science Society of America meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 31- November 4, 1999.

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