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Alternative Swine Unit

Hoop House Facility

The new swine unit currently consists of five hoop houses. Hoop houses utilize a deep bedding system that is different from standard confinement facilities. The deep bedding, generally straw, corn stalks, or hay, is spread approximately 14-18 inches thick and provides a comfortable environment for the animals which allows rooting and other natural behaviors. It helps control odors and decreases the risk of Hogs in a hoop housemanure runoff affecting water quality. Hoop house production has lower fixed costs, lower cost of production per pig, and lower energy costs and provides for more pleasant working conditions for employees. Research will be conducted to determine how these advantages might be optimized while minimizing some of the potential drawbacks of hoops in North Carolina that could include more labor requirement, need for bedding, flies, and poor feed efficiency in temperature extremes, etc. Pigs are raised in “batches” and the hoop houses are cleaned out after pigs are removed. Straw and waste are then composted for use in crop production. Gestating sows roam freely but have individual feeding stalls they can enter and leave at will. Similarly, sows farrow in individual pens that they can enter and leave at will while retaining the piglets. Initial research will focus on sire-line evaluations. In addition we will conduct research on antibiotic use and resistance, and alternatives to antibiotics with our unique herd that’s been antibiotic free for more than 30 years. We will also conduct production and environmental quality research projects. Future expansion will include outdoor farrowing and outdoor pig production where research is needed on appropriate pasture management and rotational systems and integrated crop/animal production systems. As with all of the CEFS Units, demonstration and training will be an important component and complement the research.

For more information on this project contact:
Morgan Morrow, BVSc, PhD
Department of Animal Science
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
North Carolina State University
Box 7621
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7621
Phone: 919/515-4001

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