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Long Term Resource Monitoring Program

LTRMP Sampling Design and Statistics

The Long Term Resource Monitoring Program (LTRMP) sampling design and statistics web pages address LTRMP sampling designs and present LTRMP standard methods for estimating status and trends from the LTRMP probability sampling data. Methods associated with scientific inquiry, a separate arm of the LTRMP and of many monitoring programs, will be tailored to each scientific investigation and are only briefly addressed (see Statistical Models and LTRMP Data).

Sampling Designs

Estimating Means and Standard Errors from LTRMP Survey Data

Estimating Trends in LTRMP Survey Data

Estimating Power to Detect Temporal Trends in LTRMP Metrics

Estimating Variance Components using LTRMP Survey Data

Statistical Models and LTRMP Data

Using Data from LTRMP Nonrandom (“Fixed-Site”) Locations


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Page Contact Information: Contacting the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Page Last Modified: October 2, 2007