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Organic Food Hero Award

The Organic Food Hero Awards are offered annually to individuals and organizations who have made significant contributions toward advancing the organic sector in Canada.  The awards were inaugurated 2007.


Calling for 2008 Nominations!

Categories and Criteria

Past Recipients


Calling for 2008 Nominations!

It’s time to nominate an Organic Food Hero near you.

Read the criteria below and put your nominations in writing.  Explain clearly who you are nominating, to which category and why.  Include your contact information and any materials that support your nomination, (ie. newspaper clippings, website URL's).  You can make up to one nomination per category.

All nominations will be considered by the committee.

Email your nominations to office_at_cog.ca , or mail to:

Canadian Organic Growers, 323 Chapel St., Ottawa, ON K1N 7Z2.

Categories and Criteria

Click here to download a printable PDF of the 2008 Organic Food Heros Award Categories and Criteria.

1. Organic Transition Hero

This food hero is a farmer - of any scale - who has just completed the transition to certified organic production. The award acknowledges the difficulties and challenges faced by producers transitioning to organic production and celebrates the achievements of new organic farmers across the country. The award is presented to an organic producer who:

  • Has achieved certification status in the last 2 years.
  • Identified and overcame barriers and difficulties inherent in the transition process.
  • Serves as an inspirational example to other Canadian food producers who have been considering organic production.

In nominating a farmer or farm family for this award please describe the type of farm, the challenges that the farmer overcame to transition to certified organic production and any other details about the farm that will help the committee select a recipient.

2. Organic Media Hero

This food hero is an author, journalist, photographer or other visual or media artist who has shown excellence in covering organic food issues at either a national or regional level. The award acknowledges the complexities inherent in covering organic issues with fairness. The award is presented to an author or journalist who in writing or broadcasting has:

  • Communicated the complexity of an organic issue in a way that everyone can understand.
  • Presented solid research behind the issue.
  • Presented all sides of the issue in a balanced way.  

In nominating an author, journalist or other media artist for this award, describe their work by including websites and/or samples for the selection committee to review. Describe your impressions of the individual’s work and the reasons you are making the nomination.

3. Organic Supporter Hero

This food hero is a consumer-supporter of organic and local food systems. This award acknowledges and appreciates the role that consumer activists play in social change pertaining to food. The award is presented to a consumer-supporter who has:

  • Championed a particular aspect of a local organic food system in Canada.
  • Brought the issue to the attention of the public, the industry or the government and rallied enthusiasm around it.
  • Worked to build necessary connections between organic consumers and producers.
  • Worked with integrity, demonstrating value and respect for food producers and consumers.

In nominating an individual for this award, describe the issue or initiative the individual was most engaged in and include any materials or websites for the selection committee’s review.

4. Organic Organization Hero

This food hero is an activist within Canada ’s organic movement. With this award COG wants to acknowledge and appreciate the work undertaken by dedicated volunteers within the movement and the diversity of like-minded organizations in Canada . The award is presented to an organic activist who has:

  • Volunteered with a Canadian not-for-profit organic food or farming organization for several years.
  • Demonstrated success at moving the Canadian organic sector toward common goals.

In nominating an individual for this award, identify the organization they actively volunteer with and their accomplishments.

5. Best Restaurant Serving Organic Food

This food hero award recognizes an outstanding contribution of a Canadian owned and operated restaurant that serves organic food. With this award we celebrate the joy and pleasure of organic food. The restaurant can be of any style. The award recognizes a restaurant owner or chef who has:

  • Maintained a wide variety of organic choices on their menu, and has a menu where the entrees are primarily organic.
  • Identifies on the menu or in the store that they are sourcing certified organic products locally.
  • Shown consistently the ability to prepare delicious food.

In nominating a chef or restaurant for this award, describe your last visit to the restaurant, what you ate and your experience. Verify for the committee that the restaurant is sourcing certified organic and local organic products. Include a copy of their menu or website with your nomination.

Past Recipients


Organic Media Hero

Jill Eisen for her series “Organic Goes Mainstream”. (www.cbc.ca/ideas/features/organics/index.html ) Jill is a CBC Ideas freelance writer. Her series “Organics Goes Mainstream” presented solid research behind the organic issue in balanced fashion. Canadian Organic Growers applauds Jill’s work, which communicated the complexity of organic issues in a way that is easily understandable and entertaining.

Organic Supporter Hero

Michael Stadtlander for his work as a chef in bringing local organic food to consumers. Michael is both an organic master chef and a farmer. He has championed organic food localism and has worked to build necessary connections between organic consumers and producers. Michael is best known for his farm just north of Toronto turned into an eating experience with huge waiting lists.

Organic Organization Hero

Ann Slater for her work with the Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario. Anne has volunteered as President for the EFAO for 4 years. She has worked unceasingly for the benefit of sustainable and organic producers - making presentations to government, speaking to the media and working on organic industry committees to develop and present common positions. Through her leadership EFAO has demonstrated success at moving the Canadian organic sector toward common goals. COG is pleased to work in partnership with Anne and EFAO .

Best Restaurant Serving Organic Food

The Bread and Roses Café ( www.skydragon.org ). Bread and Roses is a cooperative café in Hamilton, Ontario. A project of the Sky Dragon community development co-op, the Bread and Roses café bases its menu on principles of fair trade, organic and local. The restaurant maintains a wide variety of organic choices on the menu and sources as much supply as possible from local organic sources. Bread and Roses is a demonstration that restaurants serving organic food can be affordable and accessible to all.

Canadian Organic Growers Volunteer Hero

Anne Macey has volunteered with COG for most of her career. She has worked on local, national and international projects and has served as President. She has championed Canadian Organic Growers as the national organization with cross-sectoral capacity to move the organic agenda forward in Canada.
