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Current Phoenix Projects

Arizona Department of Transportation
Natural Resources Management Group
Region 1: Phoenix
Kim Bennett, Manager
24251 North 7th Avenue, Building B, MD EM04
Phoenix AZ 85085
Use of Boom Axe in vegetation management

Jackie LeNoble provided information about projects planned during July 1, 2006 - December 30, 2006. 
Vegetation Management





Due to addition of Bufflegrass (Pennisetum ciliare) to the Arizona State Noxious weed list, we have been concentrating our efforts towards the control and management of the Bufflegrass populations along all of the highways within Region I.



Continue and expand our noxious weed management activities on Arizona rights-of-ways.




Support and work with the formation of a new weed management (WMA); Central Arizona Weed Management Area led by Dr. Ed Northem, AZ. Cooperative Extension, Dr. John Brock, AZ. State university, and Dr. Kia Umeda, AZ. Cooperative Extension.

Support the Governor's Invasive Species Advisory Council

Work with Interagency Weed Awareness Group to draft a Riparian Noxious Weed Plan


Tree and brush removal projects to establish and maintain recovery zones along the state roadways.

Interstate 8, around Gila Bend
Interstate 10, west of Phoenix to State Route 85
Interstate 10, east of Phoenix to Casa Grande
Interstate 17, north of Phoenix to New River
State Route 87, north and south of Phoenix
US 60, both east and west of Phoenix
State Route 74, north of Phoenix
State Route 85, between Phoenix and Gila Bend


Spring-Summer annual weed season spraying to maintain motorist site distance abilities along the highway system. Our focus will be on problematic weed species such as Malta Start Thistle, Blue Panic, Desert Broom, Russian Thistle, Buffelgrass, and Mustard species.


Year-round attention to all safety features along the highways. Safety features include guardrails, signs, ramps, gore points driveways, and crossovers that intersect with the main highway thoroughfares.


We will be working in a partnership with Bureau of Land Management and Kofa Weed Management Area, to address invasive weed species populations along the highways in the Quartzite to Yuma region

Photo Monitoring Points
We have established 45 photo points and 110 sub-points, with the goal of establishing a total of 50 photo points and 124 sub photo points, to monitor various locations within our management area.  The information gathered from these points will document the change in appearance, evolving ecology, and disturbance issues.  These points are visited four times a year for the purpose of monitoring and data collection.

Global Positioning System (GPS) Database
We are implementing a highway survey program to gather data concerning several issues of management concern. Included are wildlife fatalities, riparian intersects with highways, noxious weed locations, test plots for trial applications of new herbicides, plant species that compromise the safety of the highway right-of-way integrity, threatened and endangered species habitat regions along Arizona highways, various herbicide treatment areas, and numerous other features.

Herbarium Collections and Training Programs
We are currently collecting various invasive, noxious, and native plant samples to develop and maintain an extensive plant collections.  These samples are used for training, education and plant identifications.  We are also adopting and designing a training program on plan identification techniques to assist newly hired staff.

Recovery Zones
We will continue working on the safety clear zones along the major highways within our region. We will be following up our cutting and chipping work activities with herbicide treatments to prevent re-growth in previously cut and cleared areas. This is an on-going process due to new tree and brush growth production as a result of removing large quantities of overgrown vegetation along State highways.

Professional Development
Our crew will continue to develop their professional skills by attending various work method and environmental compliance training opportunities.  Some of the basics include:

ADOT Mandatory training courses
GPS/GIS training
ArcGIS training
Arizona Wildland Firefighting Academy
Equipment training modules
Southwest Noxious Weed Short Course, Farmington, NM
Structural Pest Control Applicator license continuing education
Commercial Driver's Licenses

This section has experienced an almost complete turnover of Natural Resource Technician positions in the last 12 months.  While attempting to fill these positions, we have faced a challenge of hiring people outside of Arizona.  Because of the lack of familiarity with our biotic communities, plant species, climate and ecology of the local region, there is additional training needs for these new field employees on the fundamentals of ADOT's vegetation management practices:  land management practices, highway rights-of-way maintenance, ADOT policies and procedures, safety requirements, equipment operations and maintenance, and data collection will be stressed.

Due to the large quantity of work, small work force, and immense areas that we must try to manage, we have begun to rely on larger equipment to assist our efforts.  Some of the equipment we are now incorporating into our vegetation removal activities include: 
Front end loaders
Brush mowers-side-mounted
Agri Axe
Timber Axe
Approaching vegetation with Timber Axe
Removal of vegetation with Timber Axe
Other Interesting Facts 


This section was involved in developing and installing a Xeroscape Landscape design for ADOT Globe District Office yard to feature native, low water usage plant species.  The intent of the project was educational and to demonstrate alternative plant choices to traditional landscape appearances.

We are currently developing a native landscaping project for our new office location in Phoenix; at Happy Valley Rd and 7th Ave, Phoenix, AZ.  The landscape will feature Xeroscape, native plant species.






The Arizona State Emergency Response and Recovery Plan (AZ SERPP) was established to create common terminology and response for someone at a federal level to communities with people at state, local, and private levels when assistance may be required.  SERPP is a bi-product of the National Incident Management System (NIMS).  Members of the Natural Resource Management Section are required to take several classes, based on qualifications and roles necessary to maintain our supporting role as employees of ADOT and the State of Arizona.  Duties that facilitate this need for participation in the NIMS program include Wildland Firefighters, Safety, public works, public health, skilled support personnel, and other emergency response support (field supervisors, and other emergency response personnel.


We are continuing our activities in weed identification training for ADOT Maintenance personnel.  This program is designed to further assist early detection for rapid response to invasive and noxious weed populations along Arizona’s highway system.


We are in the draft phase of creating new procedural manuals for many of our common work activities, including chainsaw operation and cutting, herbicide applications, and equipment preventative-maintenance program.


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