USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Chesapeake Bay Activities

Climate Change and Coastal Hazards

photo showing docking area in washington DC. Climate change and variability are having an impact on the water quality, habitats, and human assets within the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed. The USGS Chesapeake Bay studies are addressing aspects of the impacts of climate change and coastal hazards on the Bay ecosystem through four primary objectives:

  • Forecasting the impacts and associated hazards from sea-level rise that might occur on the Chesapeake Bay coastline.
  • Analyzing changes in streamflow, water temperature, and nutrient and sediment loads from the landscape to the Chesapeake Bay estuary under different climate- and land-use change scenarios.
  • Understanding the relations among altered hydrologic regimes, stress on aquatic organisms, and incidence of fish diseases that might occur in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
  • Summarizing the current state of knowledge about climate change in the Bay watershed to provide implications for managing DOI lands and resources.
Read more from the USGS synthesis report...
  • Climate variability over the past several thousand years has affected the salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen conditions in the Bay. Water temperatures in the Bay during the late 19th and 20th centuries exhibited greater extremes than those of the previous 2,000 years. Low dissolved oxygen-conditions were much more extensive and severe during the past four decades than at any time during the past 2,500 years.
  • Sea-level rise (due to climate change) and land subsidence will continue to cause losses and landward migration of tidal wetlands during the coming century.
  • Summary of findings.
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Science Centers
USGS Programs & Global Change Activities
Related Information

US Climate Change Science Program

Chesapeake Bay Program information

CBP Report "Chesapeake Futures"

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