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Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center

U.S. Forest Service - Southern Research Station - Asheville, North Carolina
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Southern Global Change Program

The Southern Global Change Program (SGCP) develops conceptual and functional bases for understanding and mitigating forest ecosystem responses to climate change. SGCP's modeling and experimental approaches will provide land managers and policy makers with the tools and data needed to ensure sustainability of forested landscapes in the southern U.S.

Southern Global Change Program Staff

Uwharrie River, Uwharrie National Forest - Photographer: Bill LeaSteve McNulty
, Ecologist, SGCP Team Leader

Ge Sun, Research Hydrologist

Johnny Boggs, Biological Scientist

Michael Gavazzi, Biological Scientist

Jennifer Moore Myers, Resource Information Specialist

Erika Cohen, Resource Information Specialist

William Foster, Financial Assistant

Robert Herring, Applications Programmer

Emrys Treasure, Forestry Technician

North Carolina State University Cooperators:

Asko Noormets, Research Assistant Professor

Jean-Christophe Domec, Research Associate (Post-Doc)


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