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Liberty begins with freedom.

The Personal Sovereignty Library

Karl Marx wisely defined real wealth as 'owning and or controlling the means of production.' He was thinking of industrial assets. But a small farm or ranch, some garden land and a woodlot are also means of production. Self-sufficient homesteaders are fundamentally trying to achieve much the same thing that many entrepreneurs are after. Homesteaders are creating independent poverty instead of trying to be independently wealthy. To round out this library I am looking for excellent back-to-the-land books and works encouraging voluntary simplicity and self-sufficiency.

Social Criticism
Much social criticism is little but the expression of reactive self-justification. A few individuals, however, seem to transcend their own limitations. Here you will find works by the brilliant thinkers Ralph Borsodi and Ferdinand Lundberg.


What This Collection Is All About

    Life on Earth could be easy and far more pleasant if only people were entirely rational about pursuing their interests and passions. But we aren't. Scott and Helen Nearing spent decades on their self-sufficient homestead demonstrating that achieving our daily survival needs could be accomplished in only a few hours of work a day--if we did not have taxes to pay and produced most of our necessities ourselves. But as things are currently organized on Earth, most people in industrial countries are obliged to expend most of their energy most of their lives, working for what they have been programmed to consider as "necessities." Sometimes I think we have created our planet this way because we would be bored if things were too easy. Sometimes I think we have wars and conflict for this same basic reason.
    And sometimes I think the real reason in a nutshell is: instead of cooperation and a gentle allowing of others, Homo sapiens tend to focus on one of two destructive games: dominating and enslaving others, or making others be "good"--as one person conceives of "good" for the other guy.
    Whatever the real underlying reasons, most people flail around ineffectively within the current scene, never escaping. But some few do escape the trap--at least to an extent--by focusing on achieving spiritual freedom, personal liberty, independence and self-sufficiency. These fortunates travel several seemingly opposing roads:

    These "roads" are actually parallel and interactive. They are not opposites. The Personal Freedom Library exists to encourage others to travel these perilous roads.

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