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Organic Production Guide from CEFS
The new CEFS Organic Production Guide contains 9 chapters, each addressing a different topic important to organic prodution. To view chapter titles and download content, click here.
Field Notes for Farmers
The Field Notes for Farmers extension series provides practical information on recent CEFS research projects for farmers and extension agents. To view and download the list of notes currently available, click here. This list will continue to grow, so check back for new titles.
Organic Grain Production Information
Organic Certification for Field Crops
North Carolina Organic Grain Production Guide
Workplace CSA
The extension bulletin "Workplace CSA: Connecting Local Farms to Local Employers" provides an overview of the CSA program at Research Triangle Institute International (RTI). Filled with ideas, examples, and lessons learned from this workplace CSA pilot project, the bulletin is an excellent resource for farmers, businesses, extension agents, and others considering starting a workplace CSA. Click here to access the bulletin.


2008 Workshop Resources